天頤 Yi | 中菜 Omakase
The Chinese culinary tradition tends to emphasize on the concept of abundance, and so the cuisine has a penchant for family style service. As such, Yi at the Morpheus, with a focus on representing the 8 regional cuisines of China in a tasting menu format, has its work cut out for it.
但中菜「不時不食,突顯食材原味」的烹調邏輯,在天頤范主廚對時令愈見成熟的敏感度和烹飪技術配合下,玩起 Omakase,卻令人悟出粵菜中隱含著的美感、靈活多變和食味之豐富。
Executive Chef Fam, with his acuity to seasonality and wealth of knowledge in cooking techniques, is able to create an omakase experience that highlights Chinese seasonal produce as well as the cuisine's beauty and dynamism.
Reopening after a 5-month hiatus, Yi's tasting menu is now inspired by the Chinese solar terms and changing monthly, rather than daily, so that there's more attention paid to the dining experience.
第一道|毛蟹:魚籽|糟鹵 (圖2)
開首第一道菜,往往代表菜單規格的標桿和誠意的表述。這道菜把北海道毛蟹、伊朗魚籽醬和中式糟鹵的三種 umami ,碰撞出細膩複雜的味道層次。毛蟹是至陰至柔的細嫩、魚籽醬則富有爆發力,最後再收斂到糟鹵的陳酒甘甜氣息。
Course 1 - Horsehair Crab: caviar, rice wine lee
Combining three ingredients rich in umami: the delicate Hokkaido horsehair crab, the explosive Iranian caviar, and the lingering depth of a Chinese pickle sauce made with aged rice wine lee, this dish confers a complex yet harmonious savoriness, setting the course for the rest of the menu.
Course 2 - Abalone: fresh South African abalone, red-braised
While fresh abalone doesn't have as much umami as its dried counterpart, it retains its natural flavors and al dente texture. The dish is finished and sauced tableside, providing a show as well as preserving the optimal serving temperature.
Course 3 - Soup: fish maw, mushroom
The gelatin-rich seabass fish maw is pillowed in a glistening golden stock made with stewing hen, with a sprinkle of minced iberico pork cheek. It's soothing and nourishing, just as chicken soup should be.
Course 4 - Nodoguro: preserved olives
For the fish course, Chef Fam uses the leaner summer nodoguro in an elevated version of traditional Cantonese streamed fish. The fish bones are used to make a fish stock, which is used to steam the fish belly in a "hammam" tableside. Topped with preserved olives and premium soy sauce, this dish brims with umami. This is my favorite dish of the night.
Course 5 - Lobster: Chinese chili, stirfry
Stirfry is a quintessential Cantonese cooking technique. And stirfrying an ingredient like lobster, requires precise control of heat and timing. The lobster here is stirfried with pork-stuffed Chinese chili, and it's timed to perfection.
Course 6 - Wagyu: truffle, stirfry
The Kahoshima A4 wagyu is stirfried with chanterelle mushroom, and the finished dish is topped with a confetti of shaved Tasmanian black truffle, adding to the aroma.
Course 7 - Pigeon : lemongrass, crisped
This is Yi's signature dish. Chef braises the 23-day-old squab in a lemongrass infused master stock, deep fries it to create the crispy skin, then smokes it with burned lemongrass tableside. There is no pretty way to eat this, and so the server provides a side of lemon water for hand washing. A thoughtful touch.
Palate cleanser: Tomato gelee with preserved plum espuma
This is an homage to the Jade Dragon signature snack. One slice of this deconstructed tomato requires the juice of 3-4 full tomatoes. Paired with preserved plum espuma, this bite-sized flavor bomb packs a sweet and sour punch.
Course 8 - Veg : matsutake, stock
This dish is the epitome of summer. Inspired by a northern Chinese peasant dish called disanxian (literally "3 treasures of the earth," originally a stirfry of potato, eggolant, and green pepper), this dish sets out to provide the best of summer. Using fresh shoots of amarath as bed, the dish is topped with grilled mastsutake and a generous sprinkle of mullet roe for maximum umami.
第九道|香苗:海膽|鹹飯(圖10 左下)
Course 9 - Rice : sea urchin, Minnan salty rice
Pairing allium, crackling, and sea urchin, this play on the Minnan classic is simple but delectable. If this can be combined with a sizzling Cantonese claypot to create a tahdig, it would have been even more amazing.
第十道|椰皇:雪燕|蘆薈(圖10 右下)
Course 10 - Coconut: tragacanth, aloe vera
No summer menu is complete without coconut. This refreshing coconut panna cotta is topped with tragacanth (natural resin from an Asian legume tree) and flesh of an aloe plant. It's the perfect antidote to the summer heat.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過18萬的網紅找蔬食Traveggo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,(快去看置頂留言,有超豐富抽獎活動🔥) 10月份我們去了一趟香港,慶祝找蔬食的一歲生日🎂 吃了 15 間餐廳、超過 40 道美味的素食料理 在這特地將我們的超爆滿美食行程大公開啦~~~~ --- 1. Mana ! Fast Slow Food ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 中環站/威靈頓街92號 🍴沙拉盒...
fresh day菜單 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳貼文
[Paris pastries / 巴黎甜點] Park Hyatt Paris-Vendome 下午茶 / Tea time at Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme (English below)
疫情目前看來還沒有降溫趨勢,希望在台灣的大家一切都平安、保持樂觀的心情。我過去幾週都在和編輯一起校稿,現在已經進入最後階段。目前預計 #新書在3月11日上市、#3月22日下午兩點到四點在誠品松菸店會有一場新書分享會。由於疫情不明,所以目前預定只有一場實體發表會,再看狀況可能使用直播的方式和大家分享新書。等到網路書店確定可以預購之後也會再通知大家。
今天先和大家分享我上週在巴黎凱悅凡登花園酒店(Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme,又譯為「巴黎柏悅酒店」)的下午茶,由於春天即將到來, Jimmy Mornet 主廚(註)也推出新的下午茶菜單。除了濃郁甜蜜的舒芙蕾之外,其他的甜點都採用清新的水果為主題,遠離冬日的厚重。如果你還記得,我之前曾經介紹過幾次 Jimmy 主廚的作品,他是首位提供「無麩質」(sans-gluten)聖誕節蛋糕的主廚、凱悅凡登花園酒店也是第一個在下午茶套餐中提供盤式甜點(desserts à l'assiette)的宮殿級酒店(palace)。
一道鹹點:菊芋(又稱洋姜)泥、菊苣、烤雞、鵪鶉蛋、黑松露與熟成康堤乳酪(Purée de topinambour, endives, volaille à la plancha, œufs de caille, truffle noir & vieux Comté)
巧克力舒芙蕾(Soufflé Chocolat)
青檸果凍、奇異果與小黃瓜、蒔蘿冰淇淋與蛋白霜(Gérée de citron vert, kiwi & concombre, glace et meringue à l’aneth)
肉桂千層布里歐許(Brioche feuilletée à la cannelle)
葡萄柚與香草巴巴(Baba pamplemousse & bois de vanille)
糖果(confiserie):覆盆子與紫羅蘭牛軋糖(Nougat framboise et éclats de violette), 甘草糖(réglisse)
當天天氣很好,我和朋友在中庭坐了一下午,還順道參觀了只開放到二月底的小木屋、最後還被招待了復活節的新品——柑橘義大利榛果巧克力球(Muscadines cendrées gianduja & orange)及開心果馬卡龍等。對最近都在忙著整理稿件、好幾天熬夜到清晨的我來說,是一段難得放鬆的時光。點這裡看更多當天的影音 👉🏻👉🏻https://tinyurl.com/ukhtwjr(前面是Jimmy Mornet主廚前兩年的創作,本次的下午茶經驗從中段開始!)也別忘了點開照片欣賞細節!
🔖 延伸閱讀:
Jimmy Mornet 主廚發表 2019 年聖誕節蛋糕與下午茶:https://tinyurl.com/uxgwaxm
Jimmy Mornet 主廚發表 2018 年聖誕節蛋糕與下午茶:https://tinyurl.com/t4zzf4u
註:Jimmy Mornet主廚:自2016年起擔任巴黎柏悅酒店(Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme)甜點主廚至今,過去同樣曾在幾乎為名廚製造工廠的Fauchon工作,在當時由Christophe Adam(L’Éclair de Génie)領軍的強勁團隊中,與Benoit Couvrand(Groupe Cyril Lignac)、Cédric Grolet(Le Meurice)、Nicolas Paciello(Hôtel Barrière Le Bouquet’s Paris)、Nicolas Bacheyre(Un Dimanche à Paris)等知名主廚並肩作戰,接著歷任雅典娜廣場飯店(Hôtel Plaza Athénée)、巴黎半島酒店(The Peninsula Paris)副主廚,並贏得2013年歐洲盃拉糖錦標賽冠軍(Championnat Européen du Sucre)。他在巴黎柏悅酒店的甜點創作關注「無麩質(sans-gluten)」主題,並首創於下午茶套餐中提供盤式甜點作品。
I got invited the other day to taste the Spring tea time menu of chef Jimmy Mornet at Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme. It was really wonderful experience as my friend and I got a warm welcome by the hotel staff and everything that we tasted was impeccable. The new tea time menu includes one savoury dish and five sweet ones:
Savoury - Jerusalem artichokes purée, chicory, grilled chicken, quail's eggs, black truffle & aged Comté (urée de topinambour, endives, volaille à la plancha, œufs de caille, truffle noir & vieux Comté)
Sweet -
Chocolate soufflé (Soufflé chocolat)
Lime jelly, kiwi & cucumber, ice-cream & meringue with dill (Gérée de citron vert, kiwi & concombre, glace et meringue à l’aneth)
Puff brioche with cinnamon (Brioche feuilletée à la cannelle)
Grapefruit & vanilla wood baba (Baba pamplemousse & bois de vanille)
Confectioneries: Raspberry & violet nougat, liquorice (Confiseries: Nougat framboise et éclats de violette & réglisse)
Every pastry and dessert was light enough to reflect the coming of Spring, yet amazingly delicious and well-balanced. Guests are invited to enjoy the chef’s wonderful creations while having a clear overview on the art of French pastries: viennoiserie, pâtisserie, plated desserts, and confectioneries. Plated desserts are usually served in a full-course menu, which is during lunch or dinner time, but Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme is the only palace hotel in Paris that includes them in the tea time menu, which is a real challenge for the pastry kitchen and its pâtissiers. Among all, I was especially impressed by the puff brioche. It’s fresh, buttery, moist, and chewy that I almost wanted to order another one.
Don’t forget to click on the photos for more details and check my story highlights on Instagram: https://tinyurl.com/ukhtwjr
🔖 More on the chef Jimmy and his creations:
2019 Yule log and Christmas tea time creations: https://tinyurl.com/uxgwaxm
2018 Yule log and Christmas tea time creations: https://tinyurl.com/t4zzf4u
#yingspastryguide #paris #jimmymornet #parkhyattparisvendôme #teatime
fresh day菜單 在 Brian 布萊恩 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Soupstar The Kitchen-星高湯廚房's 的聖誕節餐menu裡面想吃哪一道菜呢? 留言跟我說~
Which of these dishes from @soupstar_the_kitchen ‘s new Christmas Menu do you want to try the most? Comment and tell me~
👇English at the bottom of each paragraph👇
昨天很高興也很感謝被邀請去星高湯提早試吃他們的聖誕節餐. 在這麼冷的一天享受這種美味的餐點真的很療癒! 因為今年大家都忙碌所以帥氣的主廚Rocco今年想用食物帶大家吃喝玩樂. 這個menu的每一道菜都有一些小驚喜跟娛樂,所以吃完這個餐就會覺得剛走了一圈遊樂園. 今年年底百分百推薦大家有聚會的話可以跟自己身邊的親朋好友去嚐嚐看~ 頂級服務生小島也很用心幫我介紹每道菜的創意概念,謝謝!
Yesterday, I was happy and grateful to have been invited to try Soupstar’s Christmas Menu early. On such a cold, rainy day, enjoying such a wonderful meal with so many amazing flavors was really therapeutic. Since this year we’ve all been really busy, the chef’s idea was to use food to take diners on an enjoyable cullinary adventure. Each item on the menu has its own little surprise waiting for you, so by the end of the meal, you truly feel like you’ve just gone through a theme park of flavors and textures. If you have any end-of-year events coming up, I completely recommend considering enjoying this meal with those you hold dear.
前面的野菇花園低溫熟成土雞湯讓我忘掉外面濕濕冷冷的天氣. 裡面也有四種野
菇跟嫩嫩的雞腿肉. 很好喝~
To start, the Mushroom Garden Slow-Cooked Chicken Soup made me forget the cold, wet weather outside. In it, you find four kinds of mushrooms as well as super tender chicken leg meat.
金棗紫米血糕沙拉雖然叫做米血糕但是裡面都沒有血! 還有~ 裡面也藏著一個巧克力的醬! 我吃過最特別的米血糕! 旁邊也配一個混合蔬菜沙拉跟檸檬沙拉醬. 米血糕很creamy再配輕爽的沙拉是很剛好的搭配.
While the Golden Date “Blood” Cake is called “Blood Cake”, there’s actually no blood in it at all! In fact, there’s even a chocolate sauce hidden in there! It’s got to be the most special “blood cake” I’ve ever tried. The wild greens with a light lemon dressing that accompany it struck a great balance with the creamy, rich cake.
昆布紅茶煙燻紅甘配茂谷柑山粉圓凍真的是很多層次的一道菜. 這一盤真的吃到人生中的酸甜苦辣. 每一口像是經歷一趟特別的冒險旅程.
The Kombu Black Tea Smoked Amber Jack With Taiwan Orange Jelly was an amazing dish that had a truly multi-layered flavor profile. This one little play gives you a great taste of all of life’s different flavors. Each bite felt like an adventure to see what flavors you’d find next.
小王子蝦球紫蘇梅干青木瓜串檸檬薄荷醬很特別! 超下嘴的! 是這個蝦球外面有一層王子麵裡面的蝦肉美味到爆!
The Little Prince Shrimp Balls, Plum With Green Papaya And Lemon Mint Sauce were so special! I wanted to keep eating those forever! The name comes from the creative use of the Taiwanese Prince Noodles on the outside which are deep-fried and add an amazing texture.
玉烤玉米餅 豬皮爆米花小米粥堅果奶油有讓我想到我們美國常吃的玉米餅但是比我們吃的薄很多所以不會膩. 配上面的小米粥跟跟豬皮還有堅果醬又是一個很美好的搭配! 有鹹有一點微甜~
The Fresh Corn Biscuit With Chicharron And Chestnut Butter reminded me of our American cornbread, this biscuit was much thinner, so it wasn’t as filling as ours. Together with the millet porridge (grits) and chicharron and chestnut sauce on top, the flavors of this dish were amazing together. A great mix of slightly sweet and salty.
想到威靈頓我當然現象的牛肉,所以看到這個用魚排做的我非常好奇. 當我看到菜單上有威靈頓煙燻魚排跟烏斯特醬汁我覺得漂亮到我不太想吃,但是吃了一點都沒有後悔因為從外面的皮到裡面的香菇陷還有裡面的魚排都烤得非常完美. 配仙女番茄的烏斯特醬汁真的有一種美好的平衡
When I think of Wellington, of course I first think of Beef Wellington. So, when I saw the Smoked Fish Wellington With Worcester Tomato Sauce I was very curious. When it arrived, I almost didn’t want to cut into it because of how beautiful it was. However, after digging in, I didn’t regret it one bit! That’s because from the beautiful crust to the mushroom filling to the Mackerel inside, everything was cooked to perfection. Enjoying it with the sweet tomato Worcester sauce brought a lot of amazing flavors together.
愛吃巧克力的我也愛上最後來的巧克力小宇宙拼盤. 三種巧克力小甜點. 一個薄荷松露、一片醃百里香還有很特別的糖漬橙片巧克力還有一個迷迭香巧克力慕斯林奶霜. 每一種的巧克力跟其他味道配得很厲害~
As a chocoholic, I immediately fell in love with the Cacao Universe dessert plate with its three chocolate sweets: a mint chocolate truffle, a chocolate-dipped candied thyme orange slice, and a phenomenal rosemary chocolate cream puff. Each one brought chocolate together with an unexpected spice in a way that was just incredible!
#布萊恩 #2分之一強 #2分之一強型男 #taipei #taiwan #delicioustaipei #delicioustaiwan #fusioncuisine #美食 #台北 #台灣 #台北美食 #東區 #東區美食 #創意料理 #instafoodie #foodie #taiwanfoodie #大推薦 #雞湯 #米血糕 #巧克力 #金棗 #紅甘 #茂谷柑 #蝦球 #王子麵 #玉米餅 #豬皮 #威靈頓
fresh day菜單 在 找蔬食Traveggo Youtube 的最讚貼文
吃了 15 間餐廳、超過 40 道美味的素食料理
1. Mana ! Fast Slow Food ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
2. Veg 6 六和素食 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
銅鑼灣站/堅拿道西10號1/F A舖冠景樓
🍴菠蘿咕嚕玉(走蛋) 必點
3. Pret A Manger【葷素】⭐️⭐️
4. The Cakery ⭐️⭐️
5. 堅信號-正宗上海生煎皇 King of Sheng Jian -【葷素】⭐️⭐️⭐️
6. 珍心素食豆漿・豆腐花專門店 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
7. 蔬乎里・蔬食廚房 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
8. 蘇波榮 So Boring ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
9. Green Common (CENTRAL) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
中環站/遮打道16-20置地歷山大廈地庫1樓B2 Landmark Alexandra
📝分店多/香港知名的素食超市,Beyond meat、Daiya、Oatly…都買得到
10. POP vegan ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🍴4 season pizza、Fresh Fruit Custard Tart
11. Confusion Plant Based Kitchen ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🍴All Day Breakfast
12. Happy Cow (The Wheel) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
13. The vege lab ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
14. Ω ohms cafe&bar 順逆 珈琲酒館 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
15. Hakawa Chocolate ⭐️⭐️⭐️
16. The Cupping Room ⭐️⭐️
17. 龍鳳祥餃子館 DumplingPro【葷素】 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
18. Kind Kitchen ⭐️⭐️⭐️
🔺特 別 感 謝 🔺
香港素食會 Hong Kong Veg Society、蔬乎里·蔬食廚房
Green Monday、Green Common
香港Oatly, Amanda、Mana! fast slow food、Pop Vegan
Charlotte In White、The Vege Lab
Vegan Expression、@emmaoranje
►合作邀約 | CONTACT
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/traveggo/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/traveggo
Taipei Vegan Map 台北捷運純素地圖 https://reurl.cc/oe2Wj
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fresh day菜單 在 紅橘子連鎖餐飲集團Fresh Ur Day 的美食出口停車場
即將完售缺貨囉! May be an image of dessert and indoor. See menu. ... <看更多>