[專頁公告] 英文學習「生態系」更新
English Learning Ecosystem Update
As I began exploring Instagram, I struggled to find a way to deliver useful academic content. Instagram posts typically focus on images, short clips, and concise text, which are attention grabbing but not always entirely conducive to language learning. I looked over the posts of established Instagram English learning accounts, and experimented with vocabulary posts and even news posts for a couple of weeks. Not wanting to post just images, I thought about creating something new even with the rigid format of the platform.
當我開始研究怎麼用IG,我想盡了各種辦法,希望能提供大家一些實用的學術內容。 IG 的特色著重在圖片、短片以及簡潔的文字,這樣的方式雖然很容易引人注目,卻不全然有助於語言學習。我瀏覽了 IG 上英文教學網紅的貼文,並在這幾週嘗試發了一些學術單字與新聞相關的文章。我並不想只是發一些圖片,而思考著要如何在既有框架下創作一些新的東西。
A tenet of using tech in education is to engage students with what they are familiar with, not give them an entirely new platform that is difficult to use. So, how could I create a new series of Instagram posts that is both educational and unique? I thought about my goal to disseminate academic English resources, and how I could leverage my experience as a curriculum writer and voice recording artist for public school textbooks.
一個使用科技進行教育的原則是用學生熟悉的方式與他們互動,而非用了全新的平台卻使他們難以學習。那麼,我應該如何創作獨特且具教育意義的一系列全新 IG 發文呢?我想到了我傳遞學術英文資源的目標,以及思考到該如何發揮身為教科書編輯者與音頻錄製者的經驗。
So far, this is what I have at the moment. I will post Word of the Day (每日一詞), high frequency vocabulary words that you see in academic texts and sometimes on the news. These Tier 2 academic vocabulary words are not exclusive to a single domain and complement the theme-based approach I’ve taken with my mind-mapping vocabulary class. You can find other vocabulary learning methods here.
這是我目前所想到的內容:我會發布「每日一詞」,也就是學術文章或是新聞中有時出現的高頻字彙。這些Tier 2學術詞彙並不限於單個領域,更補充了我在心智圖詞彙攻略課程中採用的主題式學習法。你還可以在下面網站找到其他詞彙學習方法。
🎓 詞彙學習方法:http://bit.ly/2JGXKvK
In these posts, I added the pronunciation, collocation, and example sentences of each word for students. These words will be helpful to university-level students who often read academic texts and the news. Students can access them by simply clicking on the hashtag 學術英語單字.
🎓 學術英文單字: https://bit.ly/3cxH091
To help students use more precise and common academic phrases, I then added Academic Phrases (每日一句), set phrases that appear in both academic speech and writing. These phrases have varying functions from introducing a topic to comparing and contrasting ideas. There is a difference between speech and writing, so I picked words that could be used for both. If one is used only in a specific context, I will make note of it in the video recording. This series of posts will help students with language output, and can be found under the following hashtag 學術英語片語.
為了幫助學生使用更精準、更道地的常見學術用語,我們接著會進入「每日一句」,也就是在學術演說與寫作中常見的用語。這些片語具有不同的功能,範圍涵蓋介紹主題到比較、對比想法等等。而演講和寫作之間也有不同,所以我選擇了都可以使用的片語。如果只能在特定情況下使用,我會在影片中特別說明。該系列文章將會幫助學生提高語言輸出能力,可以在 # 學術英語片語找到。
🎓 學術英文片語: https://bit.ly/3aqaQcP
Last, I will follow up with an abridged version of breaking news (時事英文) with high frequency collocations and audio recordings. This will provide students with the input of not only individual words, but how to use them in output (speech and writing) with context. While all these news posts might seem independent at first, I will eventually link and organize them by theme when there are enough posts. Along with my news class, these extra posts will help students stay aware of current events, acquire set phrases used in journalism, and develop critical thinking. These posts can currently be found under the hashtag EEL時事英文.
最後,我們會跟進精簡版的「時事英文」,其中包含高頻搭配詞與錄音資料。這些內容不僅可以提供你們輸入單字,而且可以幫助你們知道如何搭配情境輸出,再將這些內容使用在口說與寫作中。這些貼文一開始雖然看似獨立,當素材足夠後我會再將他們進行連結與整理。這些貼文和我的新聞課程將幫助學生維持對時事的敏銳度,掌握新聞中使用的固定用法,並養成批判性思維。這些貼文目前可以在 # EEL時事英文。
🎓 批判性思考問題大全: http://bit.ly/34rdtJ7
🎓 EEL時事英文: https://bit.ly/36tDusv
There is a lot more I want to do to create an ecosystem of free academic English learning materials. I will continue modifying our post format to meet your needs, but these are my plans for Instagram thus far. Join us on our journey to make bilingual academic English resources more readily available to all! Let’s continue to learn and grow together!
建立免費的學術英文學習系統是件大工程,我會持續修改我們發文的格式以符合你們的需求與習慣,這些只是我目前 IG 學術英語學習計畫的一部分。加入我們的旅程來讓雙語的學術英文資源更加普及!讓我們一起學習與成長!
🎓 學術英文單字: https://bit.ly/3cxH091
🎓 學術英文片語: https://bit.ly/3aqaQcP
🎓 EEL時事英文: https://bit.ly/36tDusv
🎓 批判性思考問題大全:http://bit.ly/34rdtJ7
🎓 該如何學習英文?http://bit.ly/3inxdCP
「seem not用法」的推薦目錄:
- 關於seem not用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於seem not用法 在 Christopher Doyle 杜可風 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於seem not用法 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於seem not用法 在 Re: [文法] seem/appear(to be)的用法- 看板Eng-Class - 批踢踢 ... 的評價
- 關於seem not用法 在 [英文文法] seem 的文法問題 - 語言板 | Dcard 的評價
- 關於seem not用法 在 【實用英語口語】 1. It doesn't seem like that. 似乎不像是那樣2.... 的評價
- 關於seem not用法 在 seem用法的推薦與評價,DCARD、PTT - 湯屋溫泉網紅推薦指南 的評價
- 關於seem not用法 在 seem用法的推薦與評價,DCARD、PTT - 湯屋溫泉網紅推薦指南 的評價
- 關於seem not用法 在 seem not用法在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 數位感 的評價
- 關於seem not用法 在 seem not用法在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 數位感 的評價
seem not用法 在 Christopher Doyle 杜可風 Facebook 的精選貼文
Flattening The Curve: Quasimodo
我不懂法語,但女導演Claire Devers似乎不在意。
她在片場經常全速用法語指揮大局,我大部份時間都不明白她說甚麼,而且她常把 “Quasimodo,Quasimodo”掛在咀邊。
我以為自己一直在拍一齣同志黑白片,不是重拍《鐘樓駝俠》。那Quasimodo是怎麼一回事?電影裡沒有駝子,在劇本也找不到Quasimodo這個字。(Quasimodo,加西莫多原是 《鐘樓駝俠》主角的名字)
Gabrielle向我派定心丸。「你的導演接受過古典教育,時不時想賣弄一下。『Quasimodo』 是拉丁文,導演跟她的同學從小學便學會了。她說『Quasimodo』,其實就像我們想說,你知的……差不多啦。這個字就像我們想帶出……自己沒法子用詞語表達實際想說甚麼的意思。」
I had shot only one feature film “That day on the Beach”.
They gave it Golden Horse Best Cinematography award.
How could that be?
I knew nothing. How come they didn’t notice?
But how best to get to know something?
I tried to get into French film school. They wouldn’t have me.
But French friends pulled a few strings and I was asked to photograph a woman student director’s first film "Noir et Blanc".
I didn’t speak French, but director Claire Devers didn’t seem to notice.
She kept talking full speed ahead giving directions I mostly couldn't follow, and “ Quasimodo , Quasimodo” was her signature phrase.
I thought we were making a black and white gay film, not a remake of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. So what’s all this Quasimodo stuff ? There are no hunchbacks in the cast and I can’t find “ Quasimodo ” in the script . (Quasimodo was the main protagonist of the The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. )
French girlfriend Gabrielle couldn’t work it out either. So she came by to sort it out.
After ten minutes on set listening and watching my director, she burst out laughing, then took me aside. Quasimodo is not a character ” she explained “ this is not an experimental version of Phantom of the Opera and the set is definitely no Notre-Dame. ”
“ So what’s Quasimodo ? ” I asked.
Gabrielle re-assures me: “ Your director has had a Classic education, and she likes to show it off. ‘ Quasimodo ’ is Latin, which her class of students studied since primary school. She says “Quasimodo” when most of us would say something like, you know … actually means MORE OR LES. It’s when we say something like…. like when we can’t quite find the words to express what we really want to say. “
#黑與白 #NoiretBlanc #ClarieDevers
Photo:Still from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1939)
seem not用法 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳貼文
范范真是「好範兒」,另一個事業巔峰就是為台灣大眾示範了好何謂言多必失。她日前顯然本想藉著撂英文顯示高尚以博得同情,哪知不自量力的低級英文一po出,成為負面示範,刺激全民探討英文、重拾學英文的樂趣。截圖是 Dub & Ko Language Services(來源:臉書)提供批改范瑋琪英文的範例,造成大轟動,雖然轟動的背後難免有政治立場煽風點火,但就學習語言來說,仍也是極佳的學習範例。祝這個抓緊時事脈動的英文改寫和翻譯服務事業蒸蒸日上。不過,有一個英文寫作規則必須指出。最後一句的改寫:
She who talks much, errs much.
一、Webster's Dictionary of English Usage (1989) 262頁
Comma between subject and predicate.
It is no longer cricket 〔按:n. 正人君子之舉;合度的行為〕 to separate the subject and predicate with punctuation. “How,” asks Simon 1980 rhetorically, “can one possibly separate the subject... from the predicate ... by a comma?” The comma between subject and predicate is an old convention that has fallen into disuse and disfavor. It was common in the 18th century:
What Methods they will take, is not for me to prescribe —Jonathan Swift, “A Proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue,” 1712
The words for all that, seem too low —Murray 1795
The first thing to be studied here, is grammatical propriety —Murray 1795
This comma is now universally frowned on and tends to be found only as a vice of comic-strip writers, advertisers, and others who are not on their guard. You should avoid the practice.
二、The Sense of Styles, Steven Pinker (有中譯本《寫作風格的意識》)
Still, a few common errors are so uncontroversial—the run-on sentence, the comma splice, the grocer's apostrophe, the comma between subject and predicate, the possessive it's—that they have become tantamount to the confession “I am illiterate,” and no writer should be caught making them. As I mentioned, the problem with these errors is not that they betray an absence of logical thinking but that they betray a history of inattention to the printed page. In the hope that an ability to distinguish the logical and illogical features of punctuation may help a reader master both, I'll say a few words about the design of the system, highlighting the major bugs that have been locked into it.
可是,有幾個常見錯誤不那麼具爭議性,像連寫句(兩個主句間沒有連接詞或誤用標點)、用逗號連接兩個完整句子、複數名詞誤加撇號、主詞和述語之間誤加逗號,以及屬格誤加撇號(例如it’s〔它的〕),假如連這些都用錯了,恐怕就稱不上是個讀書識字的人,任何作者不容許在這裡犯錯。像我曾說的,犯上這種錯誤,問題不在於欠缺邏輯思考,而是對書面文字的歷史漠不關心。我期望能把標點的邏輯與非邏輯元素分開,讓讀者兩者都能掌握;我會談一下標點系統的設計,指出隱藏在系統中的一些缺失。 (江先聲譯)
seem not用法 在 [英文文法] seem 的文法問題 - 語言板 | Dcard 的美食出口停車場
書本上是說:※seem to + have p.p.,為seem 搭配不定詞完成式,表示不定詞的動作或狀況發生在主要動詞seem 之前,可替換成,①S + seems +to have ... ... <看更多>
seem not用法 在 【實用英語口語】 1. It doesn't seem like that. 似乎不像是那樣2.... 的美食出口停車場
【實用英語口語】 1. It doesn't seem like that. 似乎不像是那樣2. Don't get on my nerves! 不要攪得我心煩3. Everything will be fine. 一切都會很好4. ... <看更多>
seem not用法 在 Re: [文法] seem/appear(to be)的用法- 看板Eng-Class - 批踢踢 ... 的美食出口停車場
※ 引述《scju (QQ)》之銘言:
: 大家好,請問一下
: 想釐清seem/appear (to be)的用法,看到牛津英語用法指南PEU是這樣寫的:
: 條目507.3 seem
: "Seem to be" is normal before noun phrases.
: I looked through the binoculars: it "seemed to be" some sort of large rat.
: (NOT ... it seemed some sort of large rat.)
: I spoke to a man who "seemed to be" the boss. (NOT ... who seemed the boss.)
這兩句的重點在於 "是不是" 某物/某人
這樣的是非判斷偏向"客觀" 所以通常加 to be
可以把句子想成是 What/Who is 主詞? 的回答
: However, "to be" can be dropped before noun phrases which express more
: subjective feelings.
: She "seems (to be) " a nice girl.
此時重點不是客觀的 "是不是"
而是她人"好不好"的主觀意見 所以可省掉 to be
可以把這類句子想成是 How is 主詞? What is 主詞 like? 的回答
She seemed the kind of girl to give money to the poor.
此句雖然後方有 the,但其實是普遍性的通稱 (會捐錢給窮人的那種女孩)
句義重點是"她有沒有某種特質"的主觀意見 所以可省 to be
She seemed to be the girl who killed John.
此句就明顯的在指 "是不是" 的客觀判斷 所以通常加 to be
: The cup "seemed" almost doll's size in his hands.
: It "seems" a pity, but I can't see you this weekend. (NOT It seems to be a
: pity ... )
: 以上是書中內容,但我覺得這有模糊地帶,
: 例如I spoke to a man who "seemed to be" the boss.難道就不能這是我的「主觀」
: 感受而寫成who seemed the boss?
: 總之,這解釋似乎會有自由心證的部分?
: 請教一下。謝謝!
: 原文
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1481370956.A.9CE.html
※ 編輯: BigBreast (, 12/10/2016 20:02:09
※ 編輯: BigBreast (, 12/10/2016 20:09:47
※ 編輯: BigBreast (, 12/10/2016 20:12:22
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