【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 好味道葡萄牙式烤乳豬 《Leitão assado》 @ 科英布拉】
【Live @ Portugal ~~ palatable Portuguese-style roasted suckling pig 《Leitão assado》@ Coimbra】
在葡萄牙中部,歷史悠久又非常著名的古城科英布拉 (她的大學始建於1290年),這一帶地方 (尤其著名的是小鎮 Mealhada "梅阿利亞達"),是吃葡萄牙烤乳豬最佳之地。這天十分開心,和一班超友善的葡萄牙朋友共享了一頓美味的葡萄牙式烤乳豬餐!
While visiting Coimbra in central Portugal, a prestigious historic university town since 1290, I had some platters of very good Portuguese roasted suckling pigs with a group of super friendly Portuguese friends ! Roasted suckling pig is especially famous around this area (in particular in the little town called "Mealhada").
"Leitão" 葡語解作 “小豬 ” ("leitões" 是複數); "assado" 則是 “烤” 的意思。烤乳豬這道菜,柔軟的乳豬肉、脆脆的乳豬皮連骨,剁成大塊,加入橙片點綴放在盤子上,再伴以炸薯片和生菜沙律 (沙拉), 吃時再塗上美味醬汁。正!
"Leitão" means piglet in Portuguese ("leitões" is the plural form); "assado" means "roasted". The tender flesh, crunchy-skinned suckling pigs are served on the bone, chopped into large pieces and placed on a platter with slices of orange as decoration. Typically, they are accompanied with fried potato chips and lettuce salad. Served with tasty sauce as well. A fantastic Portuguese dish!
salad複數 在 英文單字筆記粉絲團- 沙拉是西式料理中不可或缺的前菜 的美食出口停車場
沙拉是西式料理中不可或缺的前菜,所謂的沙拉英文就是salad,不同的沙拉則有不同 ... 沙拉英文是salad(聽發音),名詞用法,複數為salads,在西餐廳經常看到,可說是 ... ... <看更多>