#意大利蔬果滋味 🥝🍅🇮🇹
上星期出席了「 #歐洲味覺藝術 : #意大利蔬果大師之作 」的晚宴。這次的晚宴除了嘗到如何用蔬果製作不同好吃又美麗的菜式外(當中奇異果蛋糕和抺上蕃茄醬和羅勒的托斯卡納面包是我最喜歡的);還聽到不同生產商他們對蔬果的知識和專業見解,完全滿足到我這個「蔬果狂迷」。
其實,品質高又新鮮的食材,已經非常健康又滋味。You are what you eat,今天起就選擇最優質的蔬果吧!(而現在香港各大超市也有售,這也太方便太開心了吧~)
#ItalianFreshness 🥝🍅🇮🇹
Like many of our plant-based diet followers, I have always been a fruits & veggies addict. Of all the places I have been, Italy definitely produces best plant-based ingredients due its favourable climate and environment. The range and variety of greens available are certainly as legendary as their taste and colours.
Last week, I was at the promotional dinner of "The European Art of Taste - Italian Fruit & Vegetables Masterpieces". The presenters did not only impress everyone with their mastery in combining seasonal fruits in cooked dishes (the kiwi cake and the Tuscan bread with basil were my favourite), but the producers’ insights and passion when they shared their stories and thoughts really made the event simply unforgettable.
I am now assured that high quality ingredients are essentially the most healthy and delicious food. You are what you eat. By choosing the best fruits and vegetables, you can easily maintain a healthy and wholesome lifestyle.
Local-produced Italian products including fruits, vegetables, processed foods and juices are now available in Hong Kong's major supermarkets - Italy is now just next to you! ❤
The European Art of Taste_hk
#TheEuropeanArtOfTaste #ItalianFruitandVegMasterpieces #MrGoodFruit
#ceradinigroup #mazzonigroup #conserveitalia #oranfrizer #jingold #originegroup #joinfruit #rkgrowers
joinfruit 在 Fruit Logistica 2022. Intervista a Michele Ponso, OP Joinfruit 的美食出口停車場

L'OP Joinfruit è presente a Fruit Logistica da sempre, perché la Germania è un mercato di riferimento per le loro aziende. ... <看更多>
joinfruit 在 Joinfruit | Verzuolo - Facebook 的美食出口停車場
sapore dolce con una leggera punta di amarognolo, Deli, dal colore bronzato vivace e la forma naturalmente irregolare con una polpa dolce, fresca e succosa, ... ... <看更多>