週五晚上,來和 Sonny老師的翻譯&教學札記 一起讀報
以下為 Sonny 老師第一視角
昨晚讀 CNN Newsletters 時
標題:Facebook faces a huge decision today
1️⃣ The Facebook Oversight Board will announce its long-anticipated decision on the fate of former President Trump's Facebook account at 9 a.m. ET today.
(臉書獨立監察團今天將在美國東岸時間 9:00 ,宣布前總統川普臉書帳號的命運,這是個大眾矚目許久的決議。)
👉 oversight 有「監察、督導」之意,動詞是 oversee
👉 announce 宣布,常見的搭配還有 make an announcement(發表聲明)
👉 long-anticipated 等待許久的,英文新聞中常使用「複合形容詞」,閱讀起來更生動傳神
2️⃣ Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts were suspended indefinitely a day after the Capitol riot in January. (YouTube and Twitter made similar moves.)
(今年一月國會大廈暴動的隔天,川普的臉書和 IG 帳號即被無限期停用。YouTube 和 Twitter 也有類似的動作。)
👉 suspend 是非常值得學習的動詞,有「停權;暫緩;懸掛」等字義
👉 indefinitely 可指「無限期的」或「含糊的」
👉 make similar moves 是簡潔有力的說法,很適合用在寫作上
3️⃣ The decision on Trump’s Facebook account is so contentious and historic, Facebook itself isn’t doing the deliberating. The oversight board is an independent body described as a kind of Supreme Court for the social network.
👉 contentious and historic 兩個形容詞互不重複,是很棒的連用
👉 deliberate 指「審慎考慮」;isn’t doing the deliberating 是很美式的說法
👉 social network 指「社群網路」;social media 則是「社群媒體」
4️⃣ Its decision today will set extremely important precedents for content moderation that could ripple through the social media -- and political -- worlds.
👉 precedent (n.) 先例;判例/ unprecedented (adj.) 史無前例的
👉 content moderation 內容審查;言論仲裁
👉 ripple 當名詞時指「漣漪」,當動詞引申為「漾起漣漪;造成影響」
繼續停權川普帳號,但要求臉書在 6 個月內提出「扣合其社群平台規則的處置方式」。
加入 Sonny 老師耗時一年開發
instagram suspend account 在 Tiny 微影 香港玩具及模型品牌 Facebook 的最佳解答
#ddHK 送出由本地塗鴉大師 ---「渠王」棠哥設計嘅電車模型~好有香港情懷 ~ 有興趣就Click入去參加啦 🤗
我地專頁突破10,000 followers啦!🎊 為感謝大家嘅支持,我哋決定送出由本地塗鴉大師 --- 「渠王」棠哥設計嘅電車模型!今年 #ddHK 與 HKwalls 合作,帶來一系列「#畫多dd」創意作品,其中一項亮點就係由3月底開始投入服務的「渠王電車」,大家有冇試過轉角遇到「渠」呢?真‧電車就冇辦法送俾大家㗎喇,其實電車模型仲好啦,既精緻又可愛,係咪好想帶返屋企呢?
1. Like 設計#香港地 #ddHK 的Facebook專頁
2. Like及Share呢個post,並設定分享對象為公開
3. 於留言欄寫低想同渠王講嘅說話並tag 3 位朋友
1. 每人及每個 Facebook 帳戶只限參加一次,並只有一次獲獎機會。
2. 答案一經提交,不得修改。一經發現答案已修改,其參加資格將被取消。
3. 所有獎品均不得更換或兌換現金。
4. 若有相同留言,先提交者方獲考慮。
5. 香港設計中心有權修訂、更改、暫停、終止是次活動及是次活動的條款及細則,以及有關是次活動的各項安排,並可隨時取消或終止活動而不作另行通知。
6. 如有任何爭議,香港設計中心保留最終決定權。
7. 參加者了解並願意遵守活動的條款及細則。
#HKDC #香港設計中心 #DesignDistrictHongKong #設計香港地
Hurray! Our page breakthrough 10,000 followers!🎉 Thank you all for your support. We decide to giveaway some gifts for celebration! This year, we have worked with our creative partner HKwalls for a series of #ddPaint creative works in Wan Chai, one of the highlights is the Plumber King tram designed by a local graffiti Master “The Plumber King”. The tram has been in service from March. Have you ever bump into this tram? Now besides you can ride on the real tram, there is also chance for bringing a model of The Plumber King tram home.
Let’s imagine, if you meet The Plumber King, what do you want to say to him.
We will select the top 20 most creative messages as winners and the top 10 messages will also be really passed to The Plumber King!
[The way to participate]📌
1. “Like” our Facebook page Design District in Hong Kong #ddhk
2. “Like” and “Share” the post. It must be set as “Public”.
3. Write down the comments below and tag 3 friends.
Game Date: from today till 2019 July 11 23:59.
* The way to publish: choose the most creative 20 response, and will inform the winners through Facebook inbox message of the award.
Game Terms and rules:
1. Each and every Facebook account is limited to only once, and only one chance to win.
2. The answer shall not be modified once it is submitted. Once the answer has been modified, its eligibility will be cancelled.
3. All prizes shall not be replaced or exchanged for cash.
The Hong Kong Design Centre has the right to amend, change, suspend, terminate, and be the terms and rules of the event and the activities, as well as the arrangements for the event, and may at any time cancel or terminate the activity without further notice .
4. If there are same messages, the first submitted ones will be considered.
5. If there is any controversy, the Hong Kong Design Center retains the final decision.
6. Participants understand and are willing to comply with the terms and rules of the event.
記得follow 埋我地Instagram! Remember to follow us on Instagram!
IG : www.instagram.com/designdistricthk_ddhk
#ddHK 設計#香港地(Design District Hong Kong)是一個以創意及設計促進區域深度旅遊發展的三年創意企劃,為旅客及大眾提供全新的城市旅遊探索藍圖,同時體現香港設計中心以設計和創新來創造價值及改善社區生活質素的宗旨。2019年以「Pop﹗靈感在轉角」為主題,#ddHK 設計#香港地將集合在地設計師及藝術家,以原創的設計理念、富地區故事色彩的街道活動及裝置藝術等,精心策劃一個屬於香港的「城區設計廊」。項目由旅遊事務署呈獻及香港設計中心主辦,香港動漫畫聯會任策略夥伴(與本地動漫有關的活動及作品)。
instagram suspend account 在 mrbrown Facebook 的最佳解答
“For a few days only, let’s share uplifting, inspiring stories and videos about Singapore and keep our Facebook wall and Instagram feeds positive and glowing. Stay away from those articles calling out the Government for its lack of humility and respect when it responds to media commentators. Do not Like and Share articles that diss the Government or Singapore. For a few days at least, let’s suspend our natural bickering selves and show the world our nice smiling faces."
- ST writer Chua Mui Hoong.
Oh, put on our smiles like the North Korean village of Kijong-dong a.k.a. Peace Village?
Actually the article above started out:
"For a few days only, let's share uplifting...
To read the full article, you need to be a Premium subscriber."
Which is great. Please stay behind the paywall and spare us all this condescension and nonsense.
One of my commenters from my personal FB account summed it up perfectly: “KNN gong SMLJ.”