田螺 — 性寒,有清熱解暑、明目、利水止渴的作用,適合水腫、小便不通、痔瘡便血、風熱目赤腫痛者食用。由於性寒,脾虛便溏、胃寒疼痛、風寒感冒、月經期間、寒性痛經者不宜食用。
1. 將無鹽牛油、巴馬臣芝士碎、蒜蓉、番茜碎搓勻成香草牛油。
2. 將適量香草牛油釀入田螺殼內,如沒有田螺殼,香草牛油鋪在田螺肉上。
3. 放入已預熱至攝氏180度的焗爐,焗約15分鐘即可。
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River snail can clear heat and relieve water retention
When we first learned snails (escargot) are served in French cuisine, we must have been a bit shocked. Since we were young, the snails we knew are the ones crawling on the ground on rainy days. So why are they called river snails?
We should be quite familiar with river snail stir-fried with chili. Actually, the typical snail is a type of shelled gastropod, whereas the escargot is specifically cultivated for French cuisine. Please note that it is unsafe to consume snails from the wild. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, river snail is cold in nature, can clear heat, brighten one’s vision, quench one’s thirst and has diuretic properties.
In Chinese cooking, river snails are often cooked with ingredients that are warm in nature, such as ginger, onion, garlic and chili, to balance out its coldness. As for French cuisine, chefs would normally prepare escargot with simple vanilla butter. Once baked at a high temperature, the fragrance of the butter would seep into the flesh. Try to close your eyes and enjoy the taste, imagine yourself travelling in France!
River snail – cold in nature, can clear heart, brighten one’s vision, quench one’s thirst and has diuretic properties, is suitable for individuals with symptoms such as water retention, urination, bleeding hemorrhoids, and swelling and pain of the eyes. Since it is cold in nature, it is not suitable for individuals with a weak spleen and loose stools, a cold stomach and those experiencing frequent stomachache; also not suitable for those who with a cold flu, going through period as well as cold-related menstrual pain.
Escargot Bourguignonne
Ingredients: 200g fresh escargots or 1 canned escargot, 60g butter, 60 parmesan cheese, 4 cloves of pounded garlic, parsley
1. Preheat oven to 180 Celsius degree
2. Mix butter, parmesan cheese, garlic and parsley into herb butter.
3. Put the herb butter in the escargot shells, or just directly on escagots.
4. Bake for 15 minutes.
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#男 #女 #我煩躁 #濕熱 #水腫 #感冒 #經期
individuals用法 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
🏦 In China, banks and internet lenders trying to collect on a growing pile of overdue credit-card bills and personal loans are resorting to sometimes aggressive tactics to get borrowers to repay.在中國,銀行和網路貸款機構正試圖收回愈來愈多的逾期信用卡欠款和個人貸款,這些機構有時會採取激進手段讓借款人償還債務。
-overdue: 逾期未付的
-resort to: 訴諸某種手段、採取
-aggressive: 激進的
⚒Since January, when the coronavirus began spreading across China, the country’s lenders have been grappling with rising volumes of delinquent consumer loans after many people were confined to their homes for months, suffered pay cuts or lost their jobs.
-grapple with: 設法解決、努力應對
-delinquent: 拖欠的、逾期未付的
-be confined to: 被困於…、受限
-pay cuts: 減薪
🔎Some banks and online lenders were also hamstrung in their debt collection efforts during a more than 10-week lockdown of the central Chinese city of Wuhan, where many call centers are located.
-hamstring: 令人受挫、使人無法施展
-debt collecting: 討債、追債
-lockdown: 封鎖
🌊Before the downturn, the country’s consumers racked up record volumes of credit-card debt and short-term loans, as well as mortgages and auto loans as banks and online lenders jockeyed for business while the economy was booming.
-economic downturn 景氣低迷
-rack up 累計、累加
-jockey for sth: 謀取、爭取某事
✍常見搭配:jockey with sb 和…競爭,用法同 compete with
🌿The proliferation of smartphones and mobile apps in recent years also gave millions of people greater access to loans from online lenders. Many borrowers provided the contact details for their family members and friends when applying for loans.
-proliferation: 快速增長、急速擴張、普及
-give access to: 給予…的管道、得以取得
Wang Xiaoting, founder of Beijing-based He Sheng Fintech Co., a company that ______ hundreds of individuals to collect debts __________ banks and licensed online lenders, said loan delinquencies are rising among young Chinese who borrowed heavily to fund their free-spending ways before the pandemic hit.
A. deploys/ in the name of
B. employs/ on behalf of
C. ploys/ on the part of
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individuals用法 在 賓狗單字 Bingo Bilingual Facebook 的精選貼文
#這樣唸對嗎 #怕唸錯嗎 #賓狗來幫你��你可以私訊 @bingobilingual_bb ,錄下你唸的 “criminal law”,賓狗會親自聽你的發音,再給你建議喔�
【criminal law 刑法】
The purpose of criminal law is to protect individuals and property.(刑法之目的,是保護個人生命及財產)�
💡law 的發音,嘴巴後側要打開,圓弧狀�💡property 當財產的時候,不可數喔
💡補充一下,民法則是 civil law
💡右滑是 criminal law 的發音影片,講到 criminal law,我會聯想到監牢,你也建立你的聯想,不用死背它的翻譯喔!
【留言練習】你會怎麼翻譯下列句子呢?��🎈「刑法跟民法的目的不同」��🎈「這個行為觸犯刑法」��🎈用「criminal law」自由造句
�期待看到你的留言 😍�
#賓狗發音教室 的單字選自我們的 #5個單字系列 ,「5 個單字系列」結合新聞議題及英文單字,「賓狗發音教室」著重單字發音及用法。全部服用,效果最好 😂❤️�
#criminallaw #刑法 #通姦除罪化 #bingobilingual #英文單字 #學英文 #英文學習 #單字卡 #英文發音 #英文 #翻譯
individuals用法 在 個性的,私人的正確使用Individual和personal - 每日頭條 的相關結果
首先讓我們來看看individual 作為形容詞時的一些常用含義和用法。Individual 可以表示「個人的」,區別於集體或整體。例如:. ... <看更多>
individuals用法 在 individual中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
individual noun [C] (SINGLE). B2. a single person or thing, especially when compared to the group or set to which they ... ... <看更多>
individuals用法 在 individual (【名詞】個人, 個體)意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words 的相關結果
"individual" 例句. What we need now is an energetic, poised individual to handle the front desk. 我們需要的是一個充滿活力又處事冷靜的人負責前台工作。 ... <看更多>