媽媽我返香港真的很開心,感覺時間過得特別快,今天已經是3月的最後一天了😳 EEB時差適應不錯,反而我自己比較差,可能心情興奮吧!現在感覺每天EEB都在學到很多中文,又可和家人一起,讓他們看著長大,很開心,希望每年都可以回香港!
在香港用carrier 方便很多,真的有點不習慣
I am having so much fun in Hong Kong and can't believe today is the last day of March already😳 Emilia is great dealing with the jet lag but not so much for myself, I suppose I am just too excited to be here after 1.5 years long ! I am so grateful to be in Hong Kong with her and for her to meet my family in Hong Kong . Seeing her bond with my family is so sweet and I felt she is learning so much Chinese at the moment. I hope to bring her to Hong Kong every year ! Thank you for my husband to be here with us too ! If you are travelling to Hong Kong with your little one , I highly recommended to being a carrier with you. It is much more convenient to travel around.
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#香港 #英國 #混血寶寶 #感恩 #家人
family bond中文 在 那些電影教我的事 - Lessons from Movies Facebook 的精選貼文
Your whole world can evolve to an unrecognizable point, but the thing that is constant is the bond between family. That will never change.
古魯家族 (The Croods), 2013
這部是近年來看過,最爆笑的動畫片之一。配音的幾位演員也都蠻大咖的:Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, 還有Ryan Reynolds!今天晚上21:00,Star Movies要首播喔!
family bond中文 在 "family bonding"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)的問題| HiNative 的相關結果
family bonding 的意思Spending time to get closer to your family. ... Ex: "It's time for some family bonding! ... 中文(簡體). ... <看更多>
family bond中文 在 bond中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
In societies with strong family bonds (= relationships), people tend to live longer. 在家庭關係牢固的社會中,人們的壽命往往更長。 ... <看更多>
family bond中文 在 family bonds - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言 的相關結果
大量翻译例句关于"family bonds" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... <看更多>