媽媽我返香港真的很開心,感覺時間過得特別快,今天已經是3月的最後一天了😳 EEB時差適應不錯,反而我自己比較差,可能心情興奮吧!現在感覺每天EEB都在學到很多中文,又可和家人一起,讓他們看著長大,很開心,希望每年都可以回香港!
在香港用carrier 方便很多,真的有點不習慣
I am having so much fun in Hong Kong and can't believe today is the last day of March already😳 Emilia is great dealing with the jet lag but not so much for myself, I suppose I am just too excited to be here after 1.5 years long ! I am so grateful to be in Hong Kong with her and for her to meet my family in Hong Kong . Seeing her bond with my family is so sweet and I felt she is learning so much Chinese at the moment. I hope to bring her to Hong Kong every year ! Thank you for my husband to be here with us too ! If you are travelling to Hong Kong with your little one , I highly recommended to being a carrier with you. It is much more convenient to travel around.
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#香港 #英國 #混血寶寶 #感恩 #家人