Do u have back pain, hip pain, discomfort during weight lifting session, realised one hip is sitting higher than the other while standing OR experience hip shift during squats?
If u experience any of these, than u might have Muscular imbalances you’ve developed from lifting or doing any repetitive tasks.
Let me share a secret… I DO HAVE THEM and it bothers me.
So given that this is “the perfect time” for me to address all my muscular imbalances issues, I googled & YouTube some stuff and found a very insightful clips and infos that might be beneficial for YOU too!
I incorporated the 2 hip mobility exercises in my routine for 3 days and I CAN SEE tremendous improvements and my hips & back no longer achy!
Also, due to these imbalances & tightness around my hips and hamstrings, I also experience glute amnesia where I hardly feel my left glute working when I perform certain exercises.
So I incorporated a Glute activation exercise - Lateral Steps Up.
An outstanding exercise to stimulate the glutes but mild exercise so it is easy to the body”.
It challenges the gluteal in hip extension & also in abduction or frontal plane strength (glute medius).
“- Dr Stuart McGill
I used to do this a lot when I prep for comp before. But not with this kind of control (watch the feet). My glute was spazzing and on fire 🔥 🙌🏼
U can check out more in depth explanation on Jeremy Eithier Youtube.
Give it a go. But make sure with good mindful control. Share me your feedback and how ur session go.
It’s is not just about being strong or having good physique, u also need to free your body from pain & maintain good posture 💗
Put mobility exercises as part of ur priority 💗
#mobility #gluteactivation #bodyweightexercises #rehab #gluteamnesia #underarmourmy #underarmourwomen
dr glutes 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
During my off season, I was introduced to Tesla Former, a device that is used for muscle strengthening for areas such as the glutes, abdomen, hamstrings, arms and pelvic floor using Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS).
FMS technology has been scientifically found to result in increased muscle mass after multiple treatments on the same targeted area. Basically, the TESLA Former has a pulsed magnetic field to contract the muscles that you are targeting and it will trigger motor nerves and excite muscle contraction.
I tried the TESLA Former on my stomach, glutes and quads. For each area I tried it for 30 minutes and you can adjust the intensity – I went up to about 85%. I could really feel my muscles contracting and for the next one to two days after the treatment, I was a little sore in these areas too, similar to how it would be like after a hard workout. In a 30-minute session, the machine can achieve more than 50,000 pulses.
I did it at Halley Medical Aesthetics at Orchard Gateway. When you go for the first time, there will be a consultation with Dr Terence Tan first and he will find out what your objectives are for doing this treatment.
The good thing about this non-invasive treatment is that there is no downtime and no preparation needed. It doesn’t hurt at all and during the session you can watch Netflix or sleep.
I’m doing this to help strengthen my muscles – as part of injury prevention – on top of all my triathlon training and HIIT sessions. I would recommend doing this in addition to your fitness regime, and not to replace your workouts!
More details on the blog at
dr glutes 在 Megaints Huang Facebook 的精選貼文
Can you really target fat in specific areas of the body?
我們都聽過“spot reduction”或是中文翻成局部減脂瘦身這個詞。
最好的方式 把你的飲食控制好,計算卡路里來減脂, 耐心地等待,隨著你減脂降低(需要減到到多少體脂肪 body fat percentage%男性與女性有不同的BF%、可以上網抓) 你會慢慢看腹肌。
① 傳統硬舉 3×5
② *a相撲硬舉 3×10
*b RDL 3×10
③ 啞鈴rows 3×6
④ 窄手 lat pull down 3×10
✏️ Progress maybe slow..but just stay on the grind and trust the process!
Today's leg, glutes 🍑and back sessions:
① Conv. Deadlift
② *a Sumo Deadlift superset
*b Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
③ Dumbbell Rows
④ Close grip lat pull-down
Belakangan ada 2-3 org bertanya melalui DM or tny langsung ke saya.
"Gimana sih cara latihan biar bisa punya sixpack? Harus latihan brp lama biar bisa punya sixpack?"
Di dunia fitness, pasti kita pernah dengar "spot reduction" atau yg berarti membakar lemak di bagian tertentu tubuh kita.
Yg suka baca artikel kesehatan. Pasti sudah tau kalo tubuh manusia tidak mungkin menjalankan spot reduction.. karena tubuh membakar lemak merata di tubuh kita. Bisa saja bagian lemak punggung kita yg lbh cpt terbakar atau bagian lemak lengan yg mudah terbakar dan hal ini pun berbeda2 setiap dari individu. Dan biasanya, pria suka menimbun lemak di bagian perut. tubuh wanita senang menimbun lemak di bagian paha.
Jadi setelah tau info ini. Jika body fat % masih tinggi, jangan lagi latihan cuma latihan sit up atau latihan abs lainnya saja setiap hari nya, dengan harapan bisa cpt2 dpt sixpack yg kamu mau.
Cara yg lebih baik dan efektif adalah dengan mengatur pola makan dan nutrisi kita. Menghitung kalori yg dibutuhkan lalu makan dengan jumlah kalori defisit. Kalau bisa ke gym dan latihan disana pasti akan lbh efektif, kalau tidak memungkinkan bisa olahraga apa saja. ohya body fat% wanita dan pria berbeda jadi cek aja di google harus diet atau kalori defisit sampai brp % dr BF kita saat kita bisa melihat abs kita sixpack..
#增肌減脂 #增肌 #減脂 #運動女孩 #健身女孩 #重訓 #運動 #健康 #indo #indofitness #fitness #girlswholift #瘦身