cheat 欺騙、蒙蔽 (v.) 騙子、作弊者 (n.)
E.g. Sally had been cheated by a young man claiming to be the son of a millionaire.
Sally 被一個自稱是百萬富翁兒子的年輕人騙了。
betray / cheat / deceive / hoax / lie 欺騙、背叛 (v.)
E.g. Andrew's boyfriend felt that he had betrayed him.
hate / dislike / detest / despise / loathe / abhor 討厭、憎恨 (v.)
E.g. We detest his constant lying.
hateful / abhorrent / loathsome / execrable / detestable 令人憎惡的、可惡的 (a.)
E.g. Racism is abhorrent to a civilized society.
cruel / harsh / ruthless (adj.) 傷人的、令人不快的
E.g. Emily always says some harsh words about her boyfriend when she hangs out with us.
Emily 總是在和我們出去玩的時候說他男朋友的壞話。
deceive lie 在 葉朗程 Facebook 的精選貼文
《情陷夜中環 - 你呃人》
連打呔到打到一塌糊塗的新人時代,很記得有一次,跟老細見完一位公司就快上市的潛在大客之後,由灣仔北坐的士回到 IFC 途中,平時很多話的我一直沉默著。
英文更容易理解——lie and deceive。
看過一份論文,內容大概是這樣的:Lie 肯定是 deceive 的其中一個型態,但 deceive 未必代表 lie。
目測二十八歲,憑你的經驗,你知道這是一個女士會小心選擇男朋友的階段,因為她們的 most immediate goal 是結婚。
然後我們又假設,只要她感覺到你是一個會跟她結婚的 prospect,她便會願意跟你過一晚了。
現在該明白,lie 和 deceive 的最大分別在哪裏吧。
根據那位哲學家的結論,lie 和 deceive 的分別,便是建基於 truthful 和 true 的定義——一句 truthful 的話可以是 false 的,而一句 untruthful 的話也可以是 true 的。
你真心認為你阿媽是全世界最靚的女人,但事實是你阿媽並不是全世界最靚的女人,所以這句 truthful (因為你是真心) 的話是 false 的。
你同人講你老公張提款卡號碼是 991636,但事實是你並不知道你老公的提款卡號碼,怎料原來他的提款卡號碼真的是 991636,所以這句 untruthful (因為你根本不知道) 的話是 true 的。
地產霸權擺明車馬賺你錢,完全沒有隱瞞,手段或許過份,但他們的所作所為絕對 truthful,所以他們就算邪惡,也不噁心。
老掉牙的道理是,我們要看清一個人,不但要判斷 what we see,也要分析 what we don’t see。
有什麼情況之下,deception 可以產生最即時的回報?當然就是玩 poker 了。有好牌的時候要畀人覺得你冇好牌,冇好牌的時候又要畀人覺得你最好牌,poker 的重點,就是製造機會讓對手犯錯,and that is deception。
她是賭局搞手的混血兒 cousin,名叫 Vivian;自從搞手邀請了 Vivian 加入之後,一班佬各自地起了不能逆轉的變化。
踢拖的穿了恤衫,短褲的特登去 Prada 買了條西褲,最過份背心底衫那位除了盛裝出席還要噴到成身古龍水。
無所不用其極,就是為了討好每次都會穿著超短迷你裙出席的 Vivian。
每個佬的外表是變得華麗了,但他們的技術竟然大不如前,Vivian 基本上是㩒住嚟砌。
散場離開,我與 Vivian 一起沿著藍塘道漫步。
「係得你冇輸畀我,does that mean you don’t find me attractive?」
「梗係覺得你 attractive 啦,」後面嗰句我冇講,仲覺得你好很蠢。
世界上最可笑的 deception,就是自己誤導自己,也就是不自量力了。
deceive lie 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文
“Old Man” Versus “New Man”
“Don’t lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old man with his doings, and have put on the new man, who is being renewed in knowledge after the image of his Creator, where there can’t be Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bondservant, freeman; but Christ is all, and in all.” (Colossians 3:9-11 WEB)
Read the passage above and notice how putting off the old man and putting on the new man are in the past tense.
When you are saved, these events are already completed. You have already put on the new man. You have been recreated in the image of Christ—perfect, righteous, holy and acceptable to God.
However, you are still undergoing a renewal in knowledge. It is not happening in your spirit which has already been perfected by the Holy Spirit.
This renewal is happening in your mind. Your mind is still catching up to the truth of what has happened to your spirit.
Within our mind, there is always the struggle of the “old man” versus the “new man”. The world always tries to deceive us into putting on the unregenerated mindset of a sinner who is dead in sin.
For example, as mentioned in the passage above, the “old man” sees the differences which separate men into factions, whereas God sees all born-again believers as one in Christ. We are individual members that make up the body of Christ.
That’s why Paul urges us to be transformed (in soul and body) by renewed our minds through receiving the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have to put on the new man in our minds because that is who we truly are now.
“Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2 WEB)
We are no longer that “old man” who loves sin and reaps death. That human spirit has been crucified with Christ, and we are a new creation in Christ.
Replace the “old man” thoughts and beliefs in your mind with godly beliefs as you hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God is working on you to make you think and behave like Him.
“Now, brothers, I entrust you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build up, and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.” (Acts 20:32 WEB)
Prioritize receiving the word of God’s Grace daily. It is an important time of mind renewal. This is not just for soothing your emotions—there is so much power released when you believe the Gospel of Grace. It builds you up in many ways and enables you to receive the inheritance (all of God’s blessings) that you have in Christ.
The world’s ways only lead to burn out, stress, depression, compromise and losses. On the other hand, God’s ways lead to restful and unceasing fruitfulness. Supernatural ways lead to supernatural results!
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deceive lie 在 Former FBI Agent Explains How to Detect Lying & Deception 的美食出口停車場
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