God is Not Like Man
“Pilate therefore went out to them, and said, “What accusation do you bring against this man?” They answered him, “If this man weren’t an evildoer, we wouldn’t have delivered him up to you.” Pilate therefore said to them, “Take him yourselves, and judge him according to your law.” Therefore the Jews said to him, “It is not lawful for us to put anyone to death,” that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled, which he spoke, signifying by what kind of death he should die.” (John 18:29-32 WEB)
Look how the religious leaders of Israel had murder in their hearts but were unable to do it because they were restricted by the Law.
They keep the Law outwardly just for the public eye, and looked for ways to get around the Law to execute their murderous schemes.
While they looked for any loophole to commit murder, God used His infinite wisdom and knowledge to find a way to save mankind.
Under the Law, God said that the soul who sins must die. In Paul’s words, “the wages of sin is death”.
There was only one way for us to be saved because we cannot fulfill the demands of the Law by ourselves. Someone else must die in our place as a substitute.
This person must be a member of mankind, sinless, and his life has to be worthy enough to pay for all the sins of the world.
That is why the only begotten Son of God had to become a man, bleed, and die as our atoning sacrifice for sins.
Today, we are saved, blessed, and favored by God not because of our own obedience towards the Law, but because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. His sinless, divine blood is a massive overpayment for all our sin debts, purchasing every spiritual blessing of God for us.
I read someone write that “your sin can hinder your prayers”. If that were true, then no Christians would have any answered prayers because we still fail God daily, in thoughts and deeds. We may not be able to live a completely sinless life, but thankfully our prayers are answered based on Jesus’ obedience at the cross. His shed blood is the only reason why we can always enjoy God’s favor.
Let no one deceive you that sin is causing God to ignore your prayers. If God is omniscient, then He already knew all the sins you would commit in your life, and He still chose to let Jesus bear the punishment for your sins at the cross.
What hinders us from receiving God’s promises today is only unbelief. When you have a bad opinion of God and see Him angry, demanding, and unapproachable, you will be unable to freely receive all that Jesus died for you to enjoy.
Paul taught that no one can be justified through the works of the Law. Not before salvation, and not after salvation. God is so gracious that He made us the righteousness of God in Christ when we believed in Jesus as Lord.
Abba God has the perfect, righteous reason to lavish His goodness upon you. Through your prayers of intercession, the people around you are also blessed.
Some well-meaning Christians want to live godly through keeping the Law as a moral guideline, but it only serves to stir up sin’s rebellion in our flesh. They will experience short-lived victories ,only to fall back into sinful patterns when the willpower runs out.
When you place your faith in God after receiving His Word, you will be progressively transformed to live a righteous life. The goal of godly living is the same, but the only way to get there is by beholding Jesus and trusting in Him.
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The meaning of re-provoking 721 | Lee Yee
LIHKG forum started a thread titled “Congratulations to the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) for Raising Global Awareness Again for the Jul. 21 incident (721).” There were continuous comments on the thread that linked to international media reports on the HKPF’s various deliberate misrepresentations. Many social media were also swept by a flood of all the videos previously published since 721: live broadcasts, subsequent comprehensive reports including Hong Kong Connection’s “721 Yuen Long Nightmare” which had 8.32 million views in just over five months since the clip was published, and “Truth of 721” which had over 1.3 million views since its upload last month. The large amount of visual media trending on social media is the explosion of citizens actions to challenge the copious amount of lies.
The biggest effect of HKPF re-provoking 721 is to let those Hongkongers, especially foreigners, whose memories of the incident have faded, to remember it again. How can people believe the fabricated lies when they once again witness the scenes and listen to the people who lived through it recount the experience? In that case, what is the purpose of reviving people’s memory? Surely it is not because the trust score of Carrie Lam’s regime is not low enough?
Hong Kong has realized the words of the Russian author and dissident, Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, of whom I once quoted: “We know they are lying. They know they are lying. They also know that we know they are lying. We also know that they know that we know they are lying. But they are still lying.”
A reader asked me the source of this quotation but I could not find it. It was only based on the Internet, nevertheless it is fantastic. Solzhenitsyn had written so many articles on deception and the authoritarian regime so it is possible that he had said it just once during a conversation. Another Russian writer, Elena Gorokhova, said something similar in a book published in 2010: “The rules are simple: they deceive us, we know they are lying, they know that we know they are lying, but they keep on lying to us, and we keep on pretending to believe them.” The significance of re-provoking 721 is spelled out in these two passages.
Why are they still lying when they know that we know that they are lying? This is because, under the tyranny of totalitarianism, the fabrication of lies is not to make the people believe but to make one’s case sound plausible when justifying with the superior. 721 was a defining moment in the timeline of the anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill (anti-ELAB) movement that reversed the perception of the people of Hong Kong and the international community towards the HKPF and HKSAR government. In other words, after the incident, the image of the HKPF tumbled from the protector of the people to a tool of tyranny. Therefore, the distortion of facts is not for the people to believe but to let their “own people” including their superiors to “pretend to believe” so as to maintain the “legitimacy pretense.”
Another implication of re-provoking this incident is that the behavior of lying even when knowingly they cannot deceive proves the existing regime is a true tyranny.
Solzhenitsyn said, “Tyranny finds its only refuge in falsehood and falsehood in tyranny finds its only support.” “Tyranny must be interwoven with falsehood. Between them, they have the closest and deepest natural union.” Because of this intimate natural bonding, in the presence of deceptions regardless of whether people will believe it or not, it is tantamount to proclaiming the existence of tyranny.
The significance of re-provoking this incident is threefold. It also illustrates the greatest crisis in Hong Kong. It is not those in power and the pro-Beijing camp pretending to believe in the distorted facts, but that the increasing number of Hongkongers willing to tolerate the lies and also pretending that the stag is a horse. The Czech dissident writer and former President of Czechoslovakia, Václav Havel said that when people “have to acquiesce, endure and drift along with the lies, then every person can only survive in lies. People do not need to accept lies, it is enough that they endure a life of living in and with lies. In this way, people validate, perfect, create and become this system.”
The Chinese have “become this system.” Hongkongers must not only protect the truth, but also be wary of themselves and the people around them to not pretend to believe in lies and not participate in distorting facts for personal gain. Solzhenitsyn said, “If we are fearful even to detach from the participation of lying, then we are worthless and hopeless.” The sarcasm of Russian writer, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, is most applicable to us: “Why give animals freedom? Their fate is to be bound by chains and flogged with whips, generation after generation!”
Hongkongers must take heed of this heart-wrenching remark!
deceive meaning 在 元毓 Facebook 的最佳貼文
有經濟學好友引述知名聯邦巡迴法院法官R. Posner對隱私權與營業秘密的經濟概念類比:
「The most interesting question in privacy law is whether a person should have a right to conceal embarrassing facts about himself — for example that he is an ex-convict. ...... Should he be encouraged to deceive these people, by being given a right to sue anyone who unmasks his hidden “defects”? At least on economic grounds, the answer seems to be no. It would be different if what was “unmasked” was not an embarrassing fact but a superb dinner recipe. We would then be in the realm of the trade secret, broadly defined, and the case would be no different in principle from the theft of a secret formula by a commercial rival. Here secrecy is a method of enforcing an informal property right and encourages an investment in a socially valuable idea. Concealing discreditable facts about a private individual, a firm, or a product does not.」
正確來說,Posner在argue的是傳統common law對隱私權的處理。
1. 我並不認同Posner的經濟分析,因為privacy的權利本質與trade secret畢竟不同,前者與後者的收入也不同。前者在common law底下保護的收入更多是personality,後者則純粹是monetary income。
2. 傳統common law對privacy的保護是放在「侵權行為(tort)」底下,原則上公認的四種隱私權侵害態樣:
a. appropriation by defendant of plaintiff's picture or name for defendant's commercial advantages;
b. intrusion by the defendant upon plaintiff's affairs or seclusion;
c. publication by the defendant of facts placing the plaintiff in a false light; and
d. public disclosures of private facts about the plaintiff by the defendant
後面三種行為都要求"highly offensive to a reasonable person"或"actual malice",而且相較於其他侵權行為訴訟,這三種隱私權受侵害原告只需要證明「侵害行為存在」,並不需要證明「所受損害」即可成立。反之,營業秘密侵害並不要求"actual malice or highly offensive"之存在,僅需故意、重大過失或違背保密義務即可構成。但營業秘密,原則上是需要證明損害存在與損害額度。除了少數原告不能證明損害,由法官判斷。
3. 這就回到Armen Alchian著名的「THE MEANING OF UTILITY MEASUREMENT」論文所提出的觀念:如果把personality看成經濟學上的一種utility,則經濟理論上關於量度我們只能做到對utility的偏好做排列,卻無從得出絕對數值。
這點就是我認為Posner犯錯的地方:privacy訴訟大部分情形下是武斷的utility判斷,無法像trade secret那樣有「可能市價」參考損失額度。
這一塊又是海耶克理論的進一步應用了 -- i.法院體系雖然不是市場交易體系,但處理糾紛賠償通常還是要引入外部市場價格作為參考,但;
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