Yann Couvreur x Amaury Guichon / Yann Couvreur與Amaury Guichon四手聯彈甜點創作 (中文請按「繼續閱讀」)
I was very lucky to get invited to taste the wonderful creations made by the two great chefs today and met them in person. Both pastries (Cylinder and Ring Praliné) are extremely delicate but I prefer the Ring Prainé for its silky-smooth texture and the mild yet characteristic praliné components.
It was a very busy morning as so many people visited the shop, including chef Johann Martin as well. Wish I could attend their demos or have an interview next time apart from tasting though!
今早應邀前往瑪黑區的Yann Couvreur Pâtisserie, Rue des Rosiers品嚐Yann Couvreur與Amaury Guichon的創作:Cylinder(巧克力口味)、Ring Praliné(榛果口味)。Cylinder對我來說有點甜但Ring Praliné則意外地非常對我的口味。前陣子吃了太多榛果口味的甜點,大部分味道都很強烈,這個則意外地溫柔,柔和地傳達出秋果堅果的魅力。兩個甜點外型與做工都非常細緻,很適合好好欣賞。
另外很幸運的是,今天不僅兩位主廚都在現場,還遇到也曾多次造訪台灣的Johan Martin(他說他最愛的台北甜點店就是Quelques Pâtisseries 某某。甜點,我還和他推薦了目前正在Salon du Chocolat參展的Yu Chocolatier 畬室 法式巧克力甜點創作),三位主廚都非常親切,希望以後有機會能上他們的demo課或是做更深入的訪談🧡
最後,Amaury主廚即將於今年12月造訪台灣,在187巷的法式 烘焙/料理/烹飪教室開甜點示範課程,我想他的粉絲們應該已經把課程名額搶光了吧!😂
#yingspastryguide #paris #yingc #yanncouvreur #amauryguichon