keep sb at arm's length
I've been keeping people at arm’s length.
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at length意思 在 雅媽的家 Facebook 的精選貼文
三,這是個點燈的節日,這個節日的燈台有自己的名字,叫做Hanukkiah ,連「母燭」一共是九個燭座。第二聖殿裡的燭座只有七個
四,這是個教小孩數學的節日。可憐的猶太小孩從很小就會被家長或其他大人問道: 哈努卡節第一天點一根蠟燭(但有母燭,所以要有兩根)。第二天點兩根蠟燭(加母燭是三根),第三天點三根~~~一直到第八天,如果你是賣哈努卡蠟燭的商人,一盒包裝裡要有幾根蠟燭才夠這個節日使用
Is this just fantasy? No, it's our Chanukah tribute to one of the greatest and most epic songs of all time. Ready, Freddie? Kindle the lights, remember the Maccabees, and rock on. CHAG SAMEACH!
Please follow, comment, like, and share with anyone who loves Chanukah, classic rock legends, or both.
Check our comments below for links to:
- The FULL LENGTH VERSION of Bohemian Chanukah (and all of Six13's other songs) on iTunes
- Send this song as a PERSONALIZED VIDEO CHANUKAH CARD to your friends and family
- The YouTube version of this video for the FULL LYRICS and CREDITS
- The SINGALONG SHEET with all the lyrics you can print out and SING THIS AT YOUR CHANUKAH PARTY or SCHOOL PROGRAM
Booking and more information about Six13:
at length意思 在 吱滋老師的臭臉烘焙社 Facebook 的最佳貼文
今天跟大家介紹的是一個由法國MOF Stéphane Glacier 創作出來的經典蛋糕 Le Petit Antoine 小安東尼。
Le Petit Antoine 是一個由很多不同的巧克力元素和榛果組合成的蛋糕,這個蛋糕適合重度巧克力愛好者食用。恩~~~
法國的蛋糕很有趣,經典蛋糕們都會有自己的名字,例如瑪德蓮、費南雪、修女泡芙、閃電泡芙;由很厲害的CHEF們創造出來個人獨特的招牌蛋糕也會有自己的名字,例如Pierre Herme的Ispahan,
或是像這個由MOF Stéphane Glacier 創作出的 Le Petit Antoine;能夠在多如牛毛的法國甜點中,得到屬於自己,不被忘記的名字,是非常非常不容易的事,表示這個甜點,再久也經得起時代的考驗,永遠不會過時。
至於MOF是什麼呢? MOF三個字,代表的是要去上他的課,要繳很多很多的學費$$$,哈哈哈,真的沒在開玩笑,是很多很多喔! MOF的原文Meilleur Ouvrier de France,意思是法國最佳工藝師,包含各式各樣的項目,得到MOF頭銜的人表示他在這個領域是最傑出的職人,技術超群,在法國是地位非常崇高、受人敬重的。
手感很重要,大家多練習 <3 <3 <3
Le Petit Antoine 小安東尼
在 academy 這九個月裏,吃過的蛋糕真的數也數不清,但是如果要講吃過最好吃的蛋糕,除了 旅人蛋糕和瑞士捲 之外 (sorry... 因爲她們永遠在我心中 no. 1 XD),就是這個 Le Petit Antoine (下面簡稱 LPA)了;也是除了旅人蛋糕& 瑞士捲 之外,唯一一個,好像中毒一樣拿命(要命),我會一吃再吃的法式蛋糕!
LPA 是由 MOF Stéphane Glacier (註一)創作出來的經典蛋糕(感恩啊!),主要由四個元素組成(由下往上):黑巧克力巴芮巧克力脆片,榛果達克瓦茲,牛奶黑巧克力慕斯,以及幾顆牛奶巧香緹鮮奶油。整體的甜度剛剛好,口感和香氣也很棒,不同質地的巧克力元素,隨著舌頭的溫度依序融化,帶來不同的層次感,榛果的顆粒和巧克力脆片的口感,更增添幾分這個蛋糕在口中的存在感和樂趣。榛果和巧克力這個組合真的很要命,你們看看 nutella 是不是很好賣?hahahaha。
當時在做這個甜點的時候,最考我功夫的,並不是在製作上,而是在那幾顆香緹奶油 piping(擠花)... 每一顆要圓圓鼓鼓的,大小距離也要拿捏得好。。還記得那時我考試做 LPA 的時候,我上課教我的 Chef 經過我桌子時開玩笑講了一句:「nah... 不要丟我的臉hor......」真的很大的壓力咯 XD 但還是要謝謝他上課時給的壓力 :P
個人覺得熱愛巧克力的人會超級喜歡 LPA,因爲除了榛果達克瓦滋之外,由頭到尾都含有巧克力,不太喜歡巧克力的人,可能會覺得有點太多,但是,我自己是超愛就是了 :D
註一:MOF,法文原文是Meilleur Ouvrier de France,法國最佳工藝師,包含各種領域,MOF Stéphane Glacier是西元2000年甜點項目的MOF。Le Petit Antoine 是MOF Stéphane Glacier的經典蛋糕,長度10.1CM,寬4.3CM,高度3.4CM,每片蛋糕4.4歐元。
During my 9 months with the academy, I had eaten so many cakes and pastries that I couldn't even imagine. However the most unforgettable which I could dig in like no tomorrow was Le Petit Antoine with the exception of Travel Cake and Swissroll (because they're still my top picks).
Le Petit Antoine (LPA) was created by MOF Chef Stéphane Glacier* (merci!). This beautiful creation was mainly constructed by 4 layers: (bottom to top) Dark Chocolate Praline Crispy Base, Hazelnut Dacquoise, Milk and Dark Chocolate Ganache Moelleuse, and Milk Chocolate whipped Chantilly Piping. Overall sweetness is not overwhelming, texture and flavour are well balanced. Every single bite of this cake brings an unique sensation as there are different textures of the chocolate melted in your mouth at the same time and the crunchiness from the crispy base as well as the hazelnut bits in the dacquoise balanced the overall texture and flavour. Chocolate and hazelnut are really the perfect match as you can tell from how good is Nutella taste like :)
I still remember the most difficult part when I was making this cake in the academy, was the piping of whipped Chantilly. Where every single dollop of whipped Chantilly has to be precise in terms of distance and size. Funny thing is, my chef who taught me LPA in class came to my tabletop and "warn" me not to embarrass him when I was making this beauty during an exam in the academy. But thanks to him everything came out perfectly :)
LPA is for chocolate lovers, I meant serious chocolate addicts (like me). It is because the whole cake is made of chocolate except the hazelnut dacquoise. If you're not a chocolate girl or boy, you might find it overwhelming but for me I'm in love with it ♥
*MOF, known as Meilleur Ouvrier de France in French, is an unique and prestigious award in France according to category of trades in a contest among professionals. The best craftsman in its class will be awarded with MOF title and medal by the President of France at the Élysée. Stéphane Glacier was awarded with the MOF Patissier title at year 2000. Le Petit Antoine was his classic with length 10.1 cm, width 4.3cm and height 3.4cm.
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at length意思 在 【At Great Length】↓... - HOPE English 希平方學英文 的美食出口停車場
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