1.#遊戲機手掌汗腺炎(PlayStation palmar hidradenitis):手掌突然出現會痛的紅色腫塊,跟長時間緊握電玩的操縱器使得汗腺發炎有關。治療的方法就是10天不要打電動就會自然痊癒!
2.#遊戲機拇指(PlayStation thumb):大拇指的側面出現疼痛水泡,或是角質增厚的顆粒,跟大拇指長時間(尤其>3小時)反覆按壓電玩按鍵有關。手指還會有其他症狀,例如:肌肉僵硬、水腫、指頭變紅、麻或是刺痛。此外,指甲也有可能甲床分離,或是伴隨點狀出血點。女>男。
3.#遊戲機唇(PlayStation lip) : 玩遊戲很緊張刺激,不斷咬下唇,結果造成下唇流血、潰瘍。
4.#遊戲機紫斑(PlayStation purpura) : 食指或其他手指屈側跟側邊出現無症狀出血紫斑。主要跟電玩操縱器會震動造成的皮下出血有關。
5.#眼周暗沈(Periorbital hyperpigmentation) : 玩電動如果每天>1個小時,睡眠剝奪的狀況會增加,因而造成眼周暗沈。男>女。
6.#螢幕皮膚炎(Screen dermatitis) : 長時間盯著電腦或電視螢幕看的人可能會出現類似酒糟的皮膚症狀,例如臉上產生紅色丘疹跟膿包,且有熱、痛、癢的感覺。但目前沒有明確的證據能證實電磁波會對皮膚造成這樣的影響。
7.#火逼性紅斑(Erythema ab igne) : 用筆電打電動產出的熱能可以高達70度C,而將筆電放在大腿會影響散熱,長時間接觸的結果就會造成局部網狀紅斑跟色素沈積。筆電不放在大腿上也要過2~5個月病灶才會慢慢消退。
8.#摩擦皮膚病(Friction dermatosis) : 手掌、手腕、手指頭都有可能因為長時間使用電腦、鍵盤、滑鼠而出現角質增厚的病灶。
9.#脂肪萎縮(Semicircular lipoatrophy of the thighs) : 在雙大腿前側出現單一或多個半圈無症狀水平帶狀凹陷。皮膚和肌肉沒受到影響,只有脂肪萎縮。目前推測跟筆電放大腿,還有電磁波影響脂肪細胞分化有關。
10.#過敏性接觸性皮膚炎(Allergic contact dermatitis) : 在手掌或是大拇指的指腹會有紅疹跟脫屑,指尖也會出現龜裂,主要跟3C產品含有金屬鎳有關!基本上,筆電、滑鼠、平板、遊戲機的最大鎳含量有受到法律的規範,但是如果你使用的時間長,手部濕熱或是流手汗,就會讓過敏原容易穿透皮膚,容易形成接觸性皮膚炎。
11.#異位性皮膚炎(Atopic dermatitis) : 會讓異位性皮膚炎惡化的原因很多,但大家一定沒想到打電動也是其中一項吧!研究發現,異位性皮膚炎患者打電動後,皮膚點刺測試(prick test)的反應會增強,體內跟異位性皮膚炎相關細胞激素則會上升 ; 此外,也有些專家認為使用手機也會讓這些病人的皮膚狀況惡化。文獻指出,每天看電視加打電動的時間>5小時的話,異位性皮膚炎跟氣喘的狀況會比較嚴重。
Ref :
International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 8 (2021) 68-75
allergic contact dermatitis 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
金銀花 — 性涼,有清熱解暑、疏散風熱、抗炎等功效,適合炎夏酷暑引致的頭暈、口乾、多汗煩悶、中暑者食用;適合各種炎性感染、潰瘍等症狀。由於性涼,脾胃虛寒、腹瀉便溏者勿食。注意蠶豆症 (G6PD缺乏症) 患者禁止使用 。
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Consume honeysuckle to relieve ’housewife's hand’
The weather during spring and summer is humid, and a humid environment can easily cause skin allergy, eczema, and ‘housewife’s hand’. Stay-home mothers, who have endless house chores to deal with, are always in contact with water. This causes the dampness pathogen to invade through our skin, causing our skin to itch, swell, and age. These symptoms are similar to eczema and atopic dermatitis.
Chinese Medicine theories view ‘housewife’s hand’ as the outcome of the dampness pathogen’s invasion. Other accompanying symptoms include dry mouth, aversion to heat, and yellowish urine. It would be best to clear the heat and dampness from our body and get rid of toxins to prevent itching from getting worse.
Honeysuckle, which is often used in herbal tea, is cool in nature. It can clear the summer heat, dispel wind and heat from the body, and is anti-inflammatory. Other than being a topical medicine, it is also an edible ingredient. One can consume honeysuckle to relieve itchiness caused by ‘housewife’s hand’. When you are planning to eat hotpot or barbecue, consider making a drink with honeysuckle and chrysanthemum. These ingredients can help clear heat and eliminate toxins from the body.
Honeysuckle – cool in nature; can clear summer heat, dispel cold and heat, and is anti-inflammatory. It is suitable to relieve summer-related conditions such as dizziness, dry mouth, excessive sweating, irritability, and heatstroke. It is also suitable to treat infection caused by inflammation and ulcer.
Since it is cool in nature, individuals with a cold and weak stomach and spleen as well as those who experience diarrhea should avoid. People with G6PD deficiency (Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency) should avoid consuming this ingredient as well.
Tea remedy to 'housewives hands': Honeysuckle tea with smilax
For consumption:
Effects: Clears heat, dispels dampness and relieves itchy skin. Relieves redness, seepage and itchiness problem due to housewives hands.
Ingredients: Honeysuckle, smilax, forsythia, liquorice 10g for each
Preparation: Rinse all ingredients. Combine all ingredients with 800ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Pour all contents into a thermos and tea can be re-brewed until flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Two weeks for a treatment.
External rinse:
Preparation: Wait until the tea cools down. Use a thin towel or cotton pad to soak up medicine and gently pat on the affected area. We don’t recommend applying medicated cotton on area for long periods of time. Simply damp the area and let it air dry. Do this three times daily and it is not necessary to rinse after. Use as needed. Cook a new batch of medicated water daily to use externally.
Note: use it on a small area first to ensure there is no allergic reaction.
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allergic contact dermatitis 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
常言道:「你的樣子如何,你的日子也必如何。(Your face, your fate.)」
至於說到暗瘡藥,藥罐子相信各位看倌可能會聽過維生素A酸(Retinoic Acid)(俗稱「A酸」)這種藥。
常見副作用主要是皮膚刺激、紅斑(Erythema)、脫皮(Peeling),在罕有的情況下,還可能會出現過敏性接觸性皮膚炎(Allergic Contact Dermatitis)。
Adapalene是一種第三代A酸[2],在相當程度上,其實是A酸的冒牌貨,較能跟表皮(Epidermis)上的維生素A酸受體(Retinoic Acid Receptors, RARs)結合,主要是RAR-β、RAR-γ這兩個受體[3][4],同時擁有溶解粉刺、角質層分離(Keratolytic)、消炎的技能。[4][5][6]
Tazarotene同是一種第三代A酸,而且還是一種前藥(Prodrug),塗抹後便會進化成為Tazarotenic Acid,同樣擁有溶解粉刺、角質層分離、消炎的技能。
1. Arndt KA, Bowers KE. Acne. In: Manual of Dermatologic Therapeutics, 6th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002:3-20.
2. Gollnick H, Cunliffe W, Berson D, et al. Management of acne, a report from a Global Alliance to Improve Outcomes in Acne. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2003;49:S1-S37.
3. Brogden RN, Goa KE. Adapalene: A review of its pharmacological properties and clinical potential in the management of mild to moderate acne. Drugs. 1997;53:511-519.
4. Thiboutot DM. Acne: An overview of clinical research findings. Dermatol Clin. 1997;15:97-109.
5. Leyden JJ. A review of the use of combination therapies for the treatment of acne vulgaris. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2003;49:S200-S210.
6. Millikan LE. Adapalene: an update on newer comparative studies between the various retinoids. Int J Dermatol. 2000;39:784-788.
7. Mallon E, Newton JN, Klassen A, et al. The quality of life in acne: a comparison with general medical conditions using generic questionnaires. Br J Dermatol. 1999;140:672-676.
allergic contact dermatitis 在 Allergic Contact Dermatitis - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
There are more than 3 million cases of contact dermatitis in the US every year. “It's a reaction of your skin you can develop a rash at a ... ... <看更多>