歡慶AIT成立40周年,我們將2019年訂為「美台旅遊年」,並由美國在台協會與美國旅遊推展協會共同推出持續一年的「我眼中的美國 (USA Through My Eyes)」網路攝影比賽。很高興告訴大家,第三季大賽即日起正式啟動囉!主題景點分別是愛達荷州、夏威夷州及懷俄明州,我們鼓勵網友上傳您在美國最好的相片,主辦單位也準備多項精美好禮回饋參與民眾。中華航空與長榮航空將分別贊助一張台灣美國來回機票作為第三季大獎。我們也鼓勵您至比賽網站點選您最愛的照片,投票越多得獎機會越大!更多攝影比賽資訊請看這邊:http://photos.discoveramerica.org.tw/
As part of AIT@40, our celebration of 40 years of U.S.-Taiwan friendship, AIT has declared 2019 a U.S.-Taiwan Travel Year. During 2019, AIT and the Discover America Committee in Taiwan are holding a four-part year-long photo contest called “USA Through My Eyes.” The 3rd quarter has just begun, and this quarter we will feature Idaho, Hawaii, and Wyoming. We encourage you to send your best photos of these three destinations, or of your favorite places in the United States, for a chance to win exciting prizes! The grand prize will be two round-trip tickets to the United States, courtesy of China Airlines and EVA Air. We also encourage you to visit the contest website and vote on your favorite photos to help us pick the winners. For more contest information: http://photos.discoveramerica.org.tw/
One of the winning photo:
Princess and the castle
This photo captures the magic of Disney. The photographer says Disney is the happiest place on earth, where people have no worry or fear and can go to enjoy themselves.
「united airlines destinations」的推薦目錄:
united airlines destinations 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
歡慶AIT成立40周年,我們將2019年訂為「美台旅遊年」,並由美國在台協會與美國旅遊推展協會共同推出持續一年的「我眼中的美國 (USA Through My Eyes)」網路攝影比賽。很高興告訴大家,第三季大賽即日起正式啟動囉!主題景點分別是愛達荷州、夏威夷州及懷俄明州,我們鼓勵網友上傳您在美國最好的相片,主辦單位也準備多項精美好禮回饋參與民眾。中華航空與長榮航空將分別贊助一張台灣美國來回機票作為第三季大獎。我們也鼓勵您至比賽網站點選您最愛的照片,投票越多得獎機會越大!更多攝影比賽資訊請看這邊:http://photos.discoveramerica.org.tw/
Victory Kiss~LOVE~
位於加州聖地牙哥Tuna Harbor裡的勝利之吻雕像,其象徵愛與和平及浪漫的信念。與孩子在雕像下重溫那愛的力量,孩子的純真笑顏,就是最直接的感受。人們用語言、文字、擁抱、親吻等方式傳遞真摯情感的溫暖,讓這份浪漫的感動持續地圍繞在你我身邊,而愛與和平就是世界上最堅定的力量。#AITat40 #USTaiwanTravelYear
As part of AIT@40, our celebration of 40 years of U.S.-Taiwan friendship, AIT has declared 2019 a U.S.-Taiwan Travel Year. During 2019, AIT and the Discover America Committee in Taiwan are holding a four-part year-long photo contest called “USA Through My Eyes.” The 3rd quarter has just begun, and this quarter we will feature Idaho, Hawaii, and Wyoming. We encourage you to send your best photos of these three destinations, or of your favorite places in the United States, for a chance to win exciting prizes! The grand prize will be two round-trip tickets to the United States, courtesy of China Airlines and EVA Air. We also encourage you to visit the contest website and vote on your favorite photos to help us pick the winners. For more contest information: http://photos.discoveramerica.org.tw/
One of the winning photo:
Victory Kiss~LOVE~
The Unconditional Surrender Statue in San Diego, California, symbolizes love, peace, and romance. It is modeled after a famous photo taken in Times Square of people celebrating the end of WWII. The San Diego statue is a popular destination to bring loved ones, with people commonly modeling the statue’s pose. This photo shares the love of a parent with their child.
united airlines destinations 在 Popular Travel Destinations | United Airlines 的相關結果
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Orlando; Fort Lauderdale; Beijing; Munich; Paris; Tokyo; London; United Airlines Routes. English - United States $. Español. [+] Site Feedback. ... <看更多>
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United Airlines flies to 79 domestic destinations and 111 international destinations in 74 countries including US across Asia, Americas, Africa, Europe and ... ... <看更多>