今天台大財金系的Penny和同學做職涯規劃報告採訪我,最後問我有什麼建言,讓我用最近看的電影《她其實沒那麼壞》the Last Word裡頭女主角的話跟大家分享:「(勇敢地)去失敗吧!你不會創造失敗,而是失敗創造你!(You don’t make mistakes; mistakes made you!) 因為當你失敗,你學習;當你失敗,你活在當下。」
我來美國十年,其中一件學到的事情就是跟台灣人比起來,美國教育普遍比較鼓勵接受風險,有冒險犯難精神。這或許跟美國是移民國家有關係,這些祖先從歐洲來的「大老粗」能到新的國度開墾,就是有著「賭一把」的精神。甚至美國國歌裡頭有「這個自由的國土,勇敢(勇士)的家鄉。」(land of the free and the home of the brave!)
現在回頭看,其實即使當年算了投資報酬率,根本也不準,因為知道的太少,根本沒辦法想像畢業之後人生會變得如何「你不知道你還不知道的是什麼」(You don’t know what you don’t know)。但,決定出國留學,是我人生最重要也最正確的決定之一,如果我算了投資報酬率,或許不會有今天的我。
Be Brave! Go Fail!
Today there were few Taiwan University students interviewed me for a school project about career development. They asked what advices I have for college students. I think I would use the conversation from movie The Last Word, “(Be brave) Fail Spectacularly. You don’t make mistakes; mistakes made you! When you fail, you learn; when you fail, you live.”
I have been lived in the U.S. for ten years, and one key thing I learned is that most Americans seems a bit more risk-taking than Taiwanese. The education here encourages people to take risk and make mistakes. This may be related to the immigration culture – you take risk as an immigrant. Even the national anthem of the United States of America “The Star-Spangled Banner” says “O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!”
Life Choice is Not Just ROI
When I decided to come to the U.S. for my master degree in Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) in Northwestern University, I was a reporter in Taiwan. Being a reporter, ROI of getting a master degrees sounds horrible – reporter doesn’t need a master degree in IMC, especially from an expensive American private school and takes two years.
However, I felt that I may regret it if I don’t travel around the world and see something different. I told myself, “apply for the best schools and if I get in, I will go. I will figure out the ROI later.” End up studying abroad was one of the best decisions in my life. Without that, I may not have what I have today.
Can I Accept The Worst Scenario?
Yes, life is not gamble, so still need to think through decisions. There are many decision-making frameworks online such as Decision Tree, but I used the simply framework – “what’s the worst scenario? Can I accept it? What would I do if that happens?”
For example, I asked myself when I studied abroad, “what will be the worst scenario?” ok, I can accept that chance that I would go back to do my old job, waste two years, and have to pay back student loan. So, I did it!
Surprisingly, most people who asked me this question are young people. You guys are young and have lots of chances to fail and to learn. Go ahead; don’t be afraid. Be brave and go fail!
#失敗精神 #Fail #RiskTaking #冒險精神 #勇敢 #Brave #Career #職涯規劃 #矽谷精神 #SiliconValleyCulture #她其實沒那麼壞 #TheLastWord
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{觀玲看電影}這個連休假日看了很多電影,想推這部,如果喜歡看『高年級實習生(The Intern)』的人也會喜歡『她其實沒那麼壞(The Last Word)』,這兩部電影都跟“長輩”有關。其實隨著年紀越來越大…會想起很多年輕時做過的蠢事,常覺得當初如果怎樣怎樣就好,然後開始懂得“不聽老人言、吃虧在眼前”還有“我吃過的鹽比你吃過的米多”的道理,但不到一定的年紀仍是不會明白,很多事情就是需要經歷過才行,就是一定得親自體會。
#她其實沒那麼壞 #TheLastWord #olivemovie #ShirleyMacLaine #AmandaSeyfried
thelastword 在 Angela和大妞小妹學習趣 Facebook 的最佳解答
《她其實沒那麼壞Last Word》
和去年的「高年級實習生The Intern」一樣的老少組合,一樣非常精彩的故事和激勵人心的對話,讓我週末夜晚整個暖暖的~也更有感於''不要安逸過日''!
thelastword 在 The Last Word | Official Trailer | Netflix - YouTube 的美食出口停車場

The Last Word | Official Trailer | Netflix ... In their 25 years of marriage they've shared wonderful moments and good times, had children, fought ... ... <看更多>
thelastword 在 #thelastword - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
The Last Word 167 ft PaulTassi - Season Of the Lost, Savathun Mara Sov, Trials Debate, Destiny 2 · Ebontis. Ebontis. •. 3.9K views 6 months ago. ... <看更多>
thelastword 在 The Last Word - 首頁| Facebook 的美食出口停車場
The Last Word has brought you the most exquisite books available anywhere in the world. We have painstakingly selected the finest literature, most topical ... ... <看更多>