☐ 多吃 — 容易感到肚餓,用餐後不到兩小時又餓了。
☐ 多喝 — 經常感到口乾舌燥,不斷想喝水
☐ 多尿 — 小便變得頻密,上廁所的次數增加,特別是夜間尿頻
☐ 體重減少 — 沒有刻意減肥但體重減少
☐ 乏力 — 經常覺得疲倦及昏昏欲睡
☐ 易受感染 — 例如尿道炎反覆發作
☐ 容易煩躁 — 覺得身體燥熱又多汗
☐ 皮膚搔癢 — 手腳容易麻癢刺痛
☐ 視力模糊 — 容易出現頭暈眼花
☐ 傷口不易癒合
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Watch out for diabetes symptoms
One out of ten Hong Kong citizens is diabetic. During the early stages, a person suffering from diabetes might not exhibit any symptoms. It is only when complications begin to occur that the disease is diagnosed!
Early detection, coupled with treatment and dietary adjustment, can reduce the effect diabetes on our lives. If you notice the symptoms below, make sure to go for regular checkups as a preventive measure.
☐ Craving for food— feel hungry easily; start looking for snacks to munch on just two hours after a meal
☐ Feels thirsty easily – mouth feels dry all the time and need to drink water to quench thirst
☐ Frequent urination – going to the toilet all the time; nocturia (frequent urination at night)
☐ Weight loss – when it is not planned
☐ Fatigue – often feel tired and sleepy
☐ Prone to infection – for instance, recurrent urethritis
☐ Irritable – feels warm and sweat all the time
☐ Itchy skin – itchy and tingling sensation on limbs
☐ Blurred vision – become dizzy easily
☐ Wounds take a long time to heal
Diabetes, if not controlled, can cause both acute and chronic complications such as heart diseases, stroke, kidney failure, retinopathy, and cataract, which may cause blindness. To find out more, consult a registered Chinese medicine practitioner.
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1. 所有材料洗淨,乾響螺頭浸水至稍為軟身;淮山去皮切大塊備用。
2. 鍋中加入2500毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮2小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
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Soup to improve sleep quality
Many people think the elderly folks do not sleep for long hours and like waking up early in the morning to exercise and enjoy their breakfast. How true is this? Studies show that the elderly people generally sleep less compared to young people but still require 6 to 8 hours of sleep. Yet, many of them think that insomnia is normal part of aging.
According to Chinese Medicine theories, the inability to fall asleep easily, waking up in the middle of the night, and the inability to fall asleep again after waking up in the middle of the night are symptoms of insomnia. Most of the problems elderly folks experience are caused by the disruption of the balance in the qi and blood and the yin and the yang energy, as well as nocturia (night urination).
If an individual experiences sweating and palpitation and is not able to fall asleep due to stress, it is important to replenish the yin and clear the heat from the body to improve the yin-deficient body constitution. Other accompanying symptoms include dizziness, soreness on the waist, and tinnitus. For those who have issues falling asleep again after waking up, they can take a nap in the afternoon to catch up on some sleep instead.
Tips on ingredient:
Conch is cold in nature, nourishes liver and kidneys, improves skin and replenishes blood, strengthens the spleen and nourishes the stomach. Suitable for those with yin deficiency and excess fire, asthenic kidneys and frequent urination.
Chinese yam and orange daylily soup with sea conch
Effects: Nourishes the heart and calms the mind. Relieves symptoms of insomnia, hyperhidrosis, constipation, frequent nocturia, etc.
Ingredients: 1 fresh Chinese yam, 20g orange daylily, 3-4 pieces of dried sea conch(around 80g), 80g dried lotus seeds, 20g lily bulb, 15g biota seed, 30g cashew nuts, 2 candied dates
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Soak dried sea conch in water until softened. Cut the peeled fresh Chinese yam into pieces.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours. Add salt to taste.
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#男 #女 #我枯燥 #陰虛 #失眠
nocturia 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
☐ 煩躁易怒
☐ 失眠
☐ 精神抑鬱
☐ 眩暈頭痛
☐ 脫髮
☐ 記憶力減退
☐ 體力下降
☐ 脂肪增加
☐ 夜尿多/尿頻
☐ 便秘
☐ 耳鳴
☐ 性慾減退
☐ 勃起功能障礙
☐ 潮熱盜汗
✔CheckCheckCin 米水推介:夕米水
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Male menopause
According to the Esoteric Scripture of the Yellow Emperor (‘Huang Di Nei Jing’), men, starting from around the age of 56, may experience weakness of qi in the liver, elasticity loss in the tendons, male menopause, energy loss, and weakness in the kidney.
While the end of the menstrual cycles marks the beginning of a woman’s menopause, the declining function of the organs is the tell-tale sign of a male menopause. It is more often than not associated with the weakening of the qi in the kidneys. Some of the common symptoms are:
☐Gets frustrated easily
☐Constantly stressed
☐Hair loss
☐Memory loss
☐Decreased stamina
☐Increase in body fats
☐Nocturia/frequent urination
☐Loss of sexual desire
☐Erectile dysfunction
The weakening of qi in the liver and kidneys is the main cause of male menopause. Hence, consuming an appropriate amount of ingredients that can replenish the kidneys and liver can improve the condition. These ingredients include Chinese yam, walnut, chives, sea cucumber, lotus seed, black fungus, black beans, and black sesame. Exercising regularly, picking up healthy hobbies, and staying happy can help relieve the symptoms of a menopause.
✔Recommendation: Dusk rice water
Ingredients: Red Rice, White Rice, Black Sesame, Black Soya Bean
Effects: remedy to frequent late nights, improve hair quality and nourish kidneys, relieve sore lower back
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