🔥 Feeling Upset? Try This Special Writing Technique
🧐 An extensive body of research shows that people who write about a traumatic experience or difficult situation in a manner that psychologists refer to as “expressive writing”—recording their deepest thoughts and feelings—often show improved mental and physical health, says James Pennebaker, a psychology professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Pennebaker pioneered the scientific study of expressive writing as a coping mechanism to deal with trauma back in the 1980s.
德州大學奧斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)的心理學教授詹姆斯·彭內貝克(James Pennebaker)稱,心理學家所謂的「表達性寫作」指的是人們把自己的痛苦經歷或所面臨的困境寫下來,記錄下內心最深處的想法和情感。大量研究表明,那些採用表達性寫作療法的人身心健康狀況都有所改善。20世紀80年代,彭內貝克率先對錶達性寫作療法進行了科學研究,把它作為一種應對心理創傷的機制。
- Extensive: 範圍廣泛
- Trauma: 創傷
- Coping Mechanism: 應對機制
🎭 It can be a powerful coping tool for many, in large part because it helps combat the secrecy people often feel about a trauma, as well as their reluctance to face emotions. Expressive writing works because it allows you to take a painful experience, identify it as a problem and make meaning out of it, experts say. Recognizing that something is bothering you is an important first step. Translating that experience into language forces you to organize your thoughts. And creating a narrative gives you a sense of control.
- Combat:奮鬥
- Reluctance: 勉強、不願意
- Narrative: 故事、敘事
✉️ Expressive writing is a specific technique, and it’s different from just writing in a journal. People need to reflect honestly and thoughtfully on a particular trauma or challenge, and do it in short sessions—15 to 20 minutes for a minimum of three days is a good place to start. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar or share your writing with anyone. But dig deep into your thoughts and feelings. The goal of the exercise is to find meaning in an event.
-Technique: 技巧
-Reflect: 反思、思考
-Session: 泛指某一件事情或活動的期間、會議、開庭期
Expressive writing _______ because it allows you to take a ________ experience, identify it as a problem and make meaning out of it.
A. works/ painful
B. words/ pretty
C. effective/ hard
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Join me on the Taiwan Shuttle Bus Southwest Coast Route for a trip full of surprises!
2016-2017 Episode 30 Southwest Coast Route/布袋濱海之旅(嘉義)
我現在在嘉義!I’m in Chiayi!
This is where the world’s biggest high heels are!
And it’s also where Taiwan’s freshest oysters can be found!
Join me on the Taiwan Shuttle Bus Southwest Coast Route for a trip full of surprises!
On Chiayi County’s western sea coast, there’s a small town called Budai,which first sprung up in the 1600s. Through the centuries, this fishing village has managed to retain its simple charm.
These fields along the ocean aren’t used to plant crops. Locals refer to the stuff produced here as “white gold!”
This “white gold” is actually sea salt, which the people of Budai have been making under the sun for more than 200 years. But relying on the weather to make salt like this couldn’t beat out machines to do the same job, and Budai’s salt fields were forced out of business in 2001.
Now I’m going to try carrying salt. The trick is to relax your body, and not to think about the pain in your shoulders…. Here I go!
Luckily, the efforts of locals helped bring salt mountains back to the salt fields of Budai, this time as a tourist attraction combining exhibits on culture and ecological education.
Heavy,it’s too Heavy,man!
Budai is an ideal place for a more in-depth tour. One activity that comes highly recommended is taking a boat out to sea from the town’s fishing harbor.
I am on the board right now, today I’m Join the tour with students, I am so exciting about what I’m going to see later.
The waters off Budai are clean and rich in algae, perfect for raising large, delicious oysters. We’re learning all kinds of new things from the expert introductions provided on our seaborne classroom.
These are the aquatic pastures of Budai’s fishermen, who raise Taiwan’s freshest oysters in these bamboo pens.
Our trip out to the wetlands of the Haomei Village Nature Reserve has been a huge thrill, with lots of new and interesting experiences
What I’m wearing is used as a tool by fishermen to dig up clams. Raking it through the sand like this, you know you’ve found one when it makes a sound like “ka-la.”
Even with the right tools, it turns out today wasn’t my day, and I didn’t get any. But I’m not giving up, and I’ve decided to try out another method
Now I’m going to get some clams.They say you can find it’s at under the ground 5-10 centimetre.So let's try it
Ya,I’m found one! Isn’t it pretty.
Off the coast of Budai, there’s another much-talked-about spot, which is The Glass Shoe Church. It had become of Taiwan’s most popular picture spots, even before it was opened.
It’s really~ really pretty.
Though it’s called a church, it’s not really a religious venue, but just an art installation made out of glass mounted on a steel frame. In 2016, Guinness World Records named it the world’s largest high heel-shaped structure, an award that generated over 300 stories in the foreign media.
We’ve had a great time taking in the traditional and modern charm of Budai. If you have the chance, you should definitely come and see it for yourself.I am Poyu Lin, enjoy your time in Taiwan! Ciao~see you next time.
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