Remove negative energy in the new year
“I have been under a lot of pressure at work, so I finally decided to take a break to relax and travel. There are so many things to worry about before leaving and I get stressed even when I am on vacation. What can I do?”
CheckCheckCin: In the new year, are you happy, excited and full of hope? Or worried, lost, lacking passion? Excessive stress can cause a lot of negative emotions. Even things you should be happy about, such as starting a new year or traveling, may lead to a lot of thoughts on it, and you often sigh unconsciously, sending negative energy to people around you. From Chinese medicine perspective, sadness hurts lungs and worrying hurts spleen. Emotions can affect the function of the internal organs and cause physical discomfort, so we must learn to clean up the emotional waste. There are several ways to deal with emotional waste. You can find a way to find positive energy in the new year. You can also brew a cup of scented tea to share with your family and friends to relieve depression.
Method 1: Clean up household junk
We often say that objects are an extension of feelings, so cleaning up junk can also clean up the mind. It is rewarding both physically and psychologically.
Method 2: Zone out for 10 minutes
When was the last time you zoned out? It does not mean to be gaze at the computer at work, but to really stay away from phones and computers. Pause for ten minutes from the schedule of catching your ride to rush to work every day. Concentrate on your me-time and enjoy the time to do nothing. It can release memory space in the brain and stress.
Method 3: Paper, pen and rubbish bin
To deal with stress and negative emotions, you must first bravely acknowledge their existence. Write down things and emotions you want to get rid off on paper, and thoroughly admit how you feel about yourself, then crumple the paper into a ball or tear it apart and throw into the rubbish bin.
Fingered citron flower tea with rose and honey
Effects: relieves stress-induced symptoms such as frequent sighing, abdominal bloating and discomfort, and poor mood.
Ingredients: small amount of fingered citron flower, rose and honey
Preparation: Place fingered citron flower and rose into thermos, rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 5 minutes. After the water cools down slightly, add honey and mix well. You can re-brew until its flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 3 days a week.
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