1. 新鮮山藥去皮磨成蓉,注意要戴手套處理,因為山藥黏液會刺激皮膚引致痕癢。
2. 逐少加入麵粉或地瓜粉拌勻至稠身,加入適量鹽拌勻調味,搓成小餅狀。
3. 燒熱油鍋,加入山藥餅煎至兩面金黃色及熟透即成。
山藥/淮山 — 性平,具補腎精、健脾胃、補肺氣功效,適合肺腎兩虛的慢性咳喘、氣短哮鳴、脾胃虛弱引起的腹瀉、遺精盜汗、夜尿頻多者食用。要注意容易便秘者不宜食用。
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DIY Chinese yam pancake
Aid weight loss and enhance beauty in one go
Kim Tae Hee, one of Korea’s most beautiful women, is 40 years old this year. Though she is already a mother to two, she still manages to maintain the body shape and skin condition like that of a teenager.
She has once attributed her weight loss success and beauty secret to Chinese yam pancakes. In order to prepare this delicacy, we need to grind the Chinese yam into fine bits, mix it with some flour and turn the mixture into a paste. From there, we can start pan-frying the paste until it becomes the Chinese yam pancake.
From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, Chinese yam, also known as ‘wai san’ in Cantonese, can nourish the kidney, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and replenish the qi in the lungs. It is suitable for individuals who have a weak spleen and stomach, those with deficiency in the lungs and kidney, as well as people with the yin deficiency and internal body heat.
Fresh Chinese yam’s slimy mucus-like substance contains protein and polysaccharides that can help reduce blood sugar levels. Hence, diabetic patients can incorporate into their diet.
Chinese yam also contains a large amount of dietary fiber that can help individuals shed some pounds, and at the same time, provide the carbohydrates we need in our diet.
Nevertheless, do cut down on the intake of rice if you wish to include Chinese yam into your diet. Exercise regularly as well, as it can help you achieve your weight-loss goal much faster.
Chinese yam pancake
Ingredients: 1/2 stick fresh Chinese yam, 3-4 tbsp flour or sweet potato flour, salt to taste
1. Peel Chinese yam and mash. Handle it with gloves on as the fresh Chinese yam’s slimy mucus-like substance may irritate the skin and cause itching.
2. Add flour or sweet potato flour gradually and mix well until thicken. Add salt to taste and knead into small pancakes.
3. Heat the pan with oil, add the pancakes and pan-fry until golden brown and cooked.
Chinese yam - mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, replenish the lungs and promote fluid production. It is healthy for those with weakened spleen and stomach, chronic cough and asthma, diarrhea caused by weak spleen and stomach, nocturnal emission, night sweats, and frequent nocturia. It should be noted that people who are prone to constipation should not eat it.
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#男 #女 #我胖了 #減肥
氣 血 兩虛 食療 在 M's Kitchen 親子入廚小天地 Facebook 的最讚貼文
💜💜 #暖身羊腩煲 💜💜
我已經急不及待要整返個 #羊腩煲 暖吓身先♨️
食完羊肉真係暖哂 #驅寒暖胃 💯💯💯
用白鑊炒乾 ,鑊邊讚酒,氽水可去除雪味及羊膻味
氣 血 兩虛 食療 在 唐安麒 Angel Tong Facebook 的最佳貼文
AK圓棗補茶 5包
大菜絲 10克
水 875ml
去核紅棗 5粒
杞子 1茶匙
1. 去核紅棗切半;杞子洗淨搾乾水,備用。
2. 大菜絲剪碎。
3. 將水煲滾後加入大菜絲、杞子及紅棗再煮滾。
4. 再加入圓棗補茶拌勻。
5. 煮滾後倒入碗內,放入雪櫃冷藏2小時即成。
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