關鍵字07 : #要素型媒介
「『生命要素:水、空氣、陽光、WiFi』的日常幽默,一般指的是千禧世代對通訊環境的迫切需求,網路遂成為等同於生命三要素外的第四要素。我們記得電影《寄生上流》 中令人印象深刻的一幕:寄居地下層的金家人在馬桶上尋找別家微弱的網路訊號,如同水一般的稀缺資源。如此玩笑的詞語並置卻精準指出近幾年來媒介及文化研究界關注『要素型媒介』的新研究取向。」(文──楊子樵)
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
#家常任務 #關鍵字 #楊子樵
楊子樵 在 VOP Facebook 的精選貼文
███ 家常任務:關於數位視覺政治性的關鍵詞
創立於世紀之末的美國外送平台Seamless,名實相符地是一則新自由主義式社會關係的寓言。以無縫接軌(seamless)作為品牌精神,和台灣現正風行的所有外送程式一樣,主打使用者從慾望到滿足過程的一氣呵成:我們可以躺著滑動手指於各家餐廳的菜色圖片間,點選、付款,接著等待外送員(gig worker)將餐點無接觸地送至家門外後,再附上一張即拍的照片作為送抵的證明。簡單又直覺,我們沒有發現線上點餐的自由,僅是將個體活動時空壓縮地複寫至市場──我們連躺著放空都可以消費,而零工經濟(Gig Economy)成就於我們壓榨自己的休閒時間(或是因經濟狀況犧牲休閒時間),在沒有基本工時、工會或保險的狀態下製造並滿足需求。從無縫接軌的角度來看,影像是「以時間根絕空間」障礙的資本共犯,既是索引也召喚著或點或滑或長按的反射動作,當它平順運行時我們感覺不到它的存在,一如無縫接軌作為新自由主義的理性與意識形態。
「學術是關於認識世界的普遍任務」,批判與媒介理論學者沃克(McKenzie Wark)曾這麼說過。她將普遍定義為尋常、共享,甚至是粗鄙的形容詞,任務是時而帶著遊戲性質的勞動,而認識作為動詞,既是普遍之所以可能的條件,也是一種饒富趣味的任務。借鏡沃克將學術祛魅並重新賦予其社會實踐動能的論述,本專題「#家常任務:關於數位視覺政治性的關鍵詞」試圖將普遍一詞的公共意義擴延並轉化至家常,除了在疫情下居家辦公(Work from Home)成為新社會基準、公與私範疇並置且模糊的時刻,思考以家常為原點作為公眾實踐的可能外,也企圖以家常一字的意涵──日常、取材平易且頻繁使用──對上述影像無縫接軌地媒介於公於私的日常生活,提供十二個出自慣常口語的詞彙作為批判工具。因此,「家常任務」試圖認識的世界,不只是我們以第一人稱視角,以智慧型手機、筆電或平板,接受通知、點取、瀏覽並溝通交換的世界;同時也針對充斥於我們生活中之語言:以線上、視訊或梗圖等作為條件的日常經驗。例如,小說家言叔夏在〈回家的方式〉一文裡討論居家辦公,將進入Google Meet前的麥克風與鏡頭測試比擬作玄關的鏡子,視訊鏡頭下和鏡子前的我們一樣忍不住有著整理儀容的反射動作,毫不反抗地將自己投入畫面之中成為等待定義的主體。
馬克思主義文化批評家威廉斯(Raymond Williams)在1975年出版《關鍵詞:文化與社會的詞彙》(Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society)的序言裡,提及寫作緣由的個人層面:當他於二戰結束返回劍橋時,遇到也甫從前線歸來的朋友,兩人不約而同地,對眼前的新世界說出:「事實上,我們不再說著相同的語言。」世界大戰造成的斷裂,在短短四年半裡,急遽體現在對話中同一詞語的不同價值與興趣導向。援引威廉斯的體察,「家常任務」關注的是何以在新千禧後:「我們總說著相同的語言。」在這20多年裡,為什麼如數位、媒介或影像等詞彙仿若通貨,跨越地理疆界、國境文化,成為我們可交換可溝通的共享語言?如何理解這加速度過程中,語言流轉於多民族、多文化間之抵抗與連貫性、干擾或對比的歷史?從這方面來說,語言也顯露了它與生俱來的異質性;換言之,從來沒有純血的語言。
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
#影像 #數位 #科技與技術 #新自由主義 #數據視覺化
#要素型媒介 #感覺中樞 #介面 #解殖 #文化分析 #平台 #投影
#謝佩君 #王柏偉 #徐詩雨 #陳琬尹 #楊子樵 #鄭安齊 #關鍵詞
楊子樵 在 VOP Facebook 的最讚貼文
#新刊出版 New release!!!
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
Issue 30:美援視覺性──農復會影像專題
U.S. Aid Visuality: The JCRR Issue
● 本期揭載未曾曝光的美援攝影工作底片、檔案與文件!
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In this issue of VOP, we revisit the era of U.S. aid, a period that was of utmost importance to Taiwan’s post-war social and economic development, and explore Taiwan’s much forgotten but crucial visual journey during this era ── the visual archives of the JCRR.
Established in 1948, the Chinese-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction, or the JCRR, is widely known for the implementation of various land reform and agricultural policies, such as the “375 rent reduction” and “Land-to-the-tiller” programs. Hence, the Commission is considered an important cornerstone to laying the foundations of the “Taiwan Experience” in the 20th century. That said, very few are aware that this U.S. aid organization specializing in agricultural economics was also closely associated with the American propaganda mechanism during the Cold War, and had in its possession countless photos, slides and movies, and produced various images, charts, pamphlets and posters. All these contributed to the formation of the post-war “Taiwan (Visual) Experience”, deeply influencing the development of our visual culture.
How exactly did the Cold War and U.S. aid shape Taiwan’s image and visual perception? This issue’s special feature uncovers the little-known visual activities from the U.S. aid era by investigating the collection of JCRR’s first-hand photo files, negatives, images, films and documents, and traces this important journey of post-war Taiwan photography and U.S. aid visuality that has gradually faded from people’s minds.
Among them, Lee Wei-I examines the historical clues and visual texts of the JCRR, and explores the production of the U.S. aid photographic archives, following the traces of the members of the “JCRR Photography Unit” and the trails of U.S. aid visuals during the Cold War from images and photography to films. Tsai Ming-Yen analyzes the diverse visual manifestations, such as languages, ballads and comics, contained in the semimonthly publication Harvest, which was co-founded by the JCRR, the U.S. Economic Cooperation Administration, and the U.S. Information Service in 1951, presenting a new take on the ideological and political struggles that were hidden beneath the pages of this agricultural publication that could also be said to be the most representative publication of the post-war era. Yang Zi-Qiao looks back at the early agricultural education and propaganda films, and analyzes the discourse and sensory deployment utilized by the JCRR in the development of a post-war Taiwan and the possibilities of the “avant garde” documentary films from the Cold War period through the audio-visual strategies gleaned from director Chen Yao-Chi’s documentary project that was funded by the JCRR. At the same time, Houng Tung-Hung checks out the aerial photography taken by the JCRR in the 1950s for land and forest surveys, and uncovers the origins of Taiwan’s aerial photography with U.S. aid, giving readers a rare glimpse at post-War Taiwan’s aerial landscape photographic archives.
In addition, we will explore the photographic archives of Yang Chih-Hsin (1923-2005), a former photographer who was born during the Japanese colonial period and worked for the JCRR and Harvest, unearthing negatives and documents kept away in the ammunition and photo-paper box that had stayed sealed for more than half a century. This feature presents important files of Yang during his time with JCRR, and photographs taken and written texts produced during the U.S. aid era but were never made public. We go through the visual archives enclosed in what he called a “time capsule”, shedding light on the diversity of his photography career, while reflecting on the complex historial sentiments towards “U.S. aid photography” at the same time.
Lee Li-Chun continues the discussion on scientific photography in his column, exploring the interactive dialectics between the seen and the unseen through the observation technology of astrophotography in the late nineteenth century. Hsieh Pei-Chun focuses on the history of the technology behind remote transmission of visuals and examines the power, knowledge and aesthetics that underlies contemporary digital visual regime. Finally, this issue’s “Photobook Making Case Study” is led by the printing experts at Japan’s Benrido, a workshop that is renowned for its mastery of the collotype printing technique.
Through the large collection of photographic archives presented in this issue, readers will see that there remain many stories on the photography process in the U.S. aid era and various types of visual experiences in Taiwan’s history that are waiting to be unearthed. We thank our readers for staying with VOP for the past decade and we look forward to another ten years of exploring the world of images with you.
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
#美援 #農復會 #冷戰 #台灣 #攝影
#Taiwan #photography
#攝影之聲 #影言社
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楊子樵 在 [轉錄][情報] 師大英文面試名單- 看板Tou-Liu91310 - 批踢踢實業坊 的美食出口停車場
※ [本文轉錄自 graduate 看板]
作者: Jonnie (劉安平) 看板: graduate
標題: [情報] 師大英文面試名單
時間: Tue Apr 4 10:13:30 2006
很多人開不了 我雖然沒考
但我剛去試開 所以就把它貼來
【語言學組】 65212001郭婉伶、65212002楊振宗、65212003王聖凱、65212004黃于修、
英語學系 謹啟
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 編輯: Jonnie 來自: (04/04 10:14)
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