送一大把「花椒」來表達你的愛吧 ~
(你們一定黑人問號xD 為什麼是送花椒勒🤣
#香料冷知識 EP32
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過60萬的網紅飲食男女,也在其Youtube影片中提到,正值冬季,被譽為「菜中之王」的大白菜當造,大白菜清甜可口,百吃不厭,如此常見的蔬菜,不是很多人知它的來源。 大白菜其實是由不同的蔬菜相混種而成。白菜最早稱為「菘」,相傳原產地是中國,長江以南為主要產區。它的前世為不結球的小白菜,兩千多年前已經開始種植,一般相信千多年前開始品種改良,菜葉變得偏白,故...
後代昌盛 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳貼文
【你問我答Round 1】Part 2/3
Me leading my mum to recite the Deliverance Mantra before our lunch.
Once a serial entrepreneur, my mum is an extremely smart woman, but likes to play dumb when it comes to mantra recitation.
I say I will only come out for meals with her, if she recites the mantra.
She says she can only do it when I recite with her. (I have been doing that with her for years, and she still says she can't remember, but has no problem recalling the top 3 prizes for 4D in the last month... #facepalm)
Answering the second question from my AMA, Ask Me Anything, in my Saturday's post.
QUESTION 2: from Tay Yeng Hwee
"Morning Ji Qian, does eating meat gives us more sin? What do you recommend meat eaters to do (other than giving up meat)?"
My answer:
This is the 往生短咒, Short Mantra for Rebirth to Pureland.
Recite it for 7 times before every meal and dedicate the merits to the animals killed for your meal. This enables the animals to break free from the animal realm and eventually be reborn in the Pureland.
At the same times, this cultivates compassion, gratitude and patience in us before every meal.
Did I mention it's free too? 😁
I practise not eating 3 types of meat: 不見殺、不聞殺、不為己殺.
I abstain from consuming animals that are killed within my sight, whose dying sounds are heard by me and killed specifically for me (e.g. live seafood). Such meats are considered impure. I also do not do fishing or prawning.
Shakyamuni Buddha wasn't a vegetarian. Buddha's top 10 disciples who attained the state of Arahants weren't either. They had to eat what they are given during their alms.
Way before microscopes were invented, Buddha had said these famous words:
A glass of clean water comprises 84,000 living organisms. If a mantra isn't recited before consuming it, it carries the same sin of killing.
The practice of vegetarianism started from the Liang Dynasty, when 梁武帝 Emperor Wu passed a decree stating all members of the Sangha must practised vegetarianism. Hence, Buddhists in Chinese countries adopt the practice of vegetarianism.
Humans get to live at the expense of other beings. Otherwise, we will all die.
We eat the cells of animals, the cells of plants, the offspring of animals, the offspring of plants, as well as the milk of other animals meant for their offspring.
They perish to feed the life force in us.
When we talk about eating meat, it should not be limited to only animals we see with our naked eyes, like ducks, pigs, cows and fishes.
That would be too narrow-minded and simplistic.
As we expand our view of the universe, we will see that anything that can grow and has life is a living thing. Taking away its ability to live is killing. Why shouldn't that include vegetables and tiny-weeny bacteria too?
Should one life be more valued than another, based on size?
Yet, no matter how minuscule a life is, every life has a Buddha nature in it.
When we fall sick, we consume medication to kill the bad bacteria in us.
When we bath, we wash away bacteria with anti-bacterial soap.
When we plough the soil to grow our crops, we trample on worms and bugs, and use pesticides to kill anything that threaten our harvest.
Man injects hormones into animals and modifies the genetics of plants to have them grow in a manner we fancy. That is manipulative killing.
Countless animal testing are done to invent new medication and formulate the daily products we used.
Can we eat less medication? (More hospitals are being built.)
Can we buy less products? (More malls are opening in the real world and virtual world.)
Even plastic straws kill lives.
From a universe's viewpoint, nothing is truly meat-free and sin-free.
When a vegetarian consumes vegetables and gluten deliberately made in the form and texture of animal meat, the thought of eating animals is still prevalent. That does not mean less killing.
Our bodies is a sacrificial altar, a collective life force built from all these animals, plants and micro-organisms that died.
Hence, when we do not use our bodies for the collective good of all living beings, but only living for ourselves, that is the greatest sin of all.
The cells of the food we consume continue to grow inside us. When we recite Buddhist mantras/sutras, we are nourishing the cells with powerful positive energies, and transforming the "meat" (葷) nature into a "vegetarian" (素) nature.
(Ever heard of the Hidden Messages in Water by Dr Masaru Emoto?)
As we eradicate our negative karma with every recitation, the animals and organisms also get their negative karma purified.
One can definitely opt to be a vegetarian, if he believes that means less suffering for the animals. Some Bazi are also more inclined to be vegetarians. Excessive consumption of meat can also lead to health issues.
But like what Buddha expounded, if a deliverance mantra isn't recited before the meal, that does not negate the sin of killing.
Yeng Hwee's religious affinity definitely lies in Buddhism, and not Western religions.
Don't be like my mum. I hope Yeng Hwee gets to start early, so that the merits he accumulated will not only help him and his ancestors, but also be passed on to his children (if there is enough...).
#BESTinheritanceEVER #祖先有德 #後代昌盛
Thank you for your belief in me to ask this question, Yeng Hwee. 🙏
後代昌盛 在 飲食男女 Youtube 的精選貼文
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後代昌盛 在 Dd tai Youtube 的最讚貼文
上水Sheung Shui位於香港新界北區西部,是香港最北面的主要市鎮,也是粉嶺/上水新市鎮的一部分。上水一帶原為農田,於1980年代起發展為現代化新市鎮,區內住宅和商業區以石湖墟和港鐵上水站一帶的市中心發展,是上水人口最密集的地區,也是北區的主要商業經濟中心,昔日的農田現只可在市中心北部,西南部等村落找到。上水因靠近中國大陸邊境,為大陸居民進入香港的首站,因此區內不論假日均有大量深圳一帶自由行旅客和水貨客在區內消費和從事水貨活動,使到區內人流和商業活動增加,為區內居民正常生活造成滋擾,上水的區內民生店鋪和小店都變成了藥房,而政府亦無積極解決居民需要,因此曾觸發多次示威而表達不滿。上水與粉嶺、沙頭角、打鼓嶺組成了北區,其中上水和粉嶺已發展成為粉嶺/上水新市鎮。上水一帶以低地和丘陵為主,高山不多。根據香港古物古蹟辦事處出版的《香港文物》,上水區內的上水華山曾出土新石器時代及兩漢時期的文物。而根據《北區風物志》(1994年)記載,上水及粉嶺一帶古稱「雙魚市」,因上水北面有一條「雙魚河」。自廖族於元末由福建遷來廣東南部之後,子孫漸漸散居於今新界橫眉山、嶺下、小坑、雙魚、福田、上水一帶,並建成村落。傳至對風水有認識的七世祖廖南沙,倡言必須聚族而居,後代子孫方可昌盛。乃根據風水學說追尋「龍脈」,選定龍口地形像鳳之處,合力鑿池(即護城河)築城,建成「圍內村」(今上水鄉老圍);號召廖氏三房子孫盡徙圍內居住。由於圍內村立於梧桐河之上,廖氏族人便稱其為「上水鄉」,漸漸「上水」便成了附近一帶地方的名稱。上水與粉嶺、打鼓嶺和沙頭角同屬於1979年成立的北區行政區。並在1980年代開始發展現代化新市鎮。上水發展主要是在港鐵上水站一帶的市中心,由附近屋邨前往鐵路車站一般都在15分鐘步行時間內。昔日,附近村民會集中在石湖墟進行交易。雖然現在上水已經發展成為新市鎮,但由於石湖墟鄰近鐵路車站及巴士總站,所以並沒有因為發展而衰落,人流反而更多。尤其自由行政策後,經常有自由行旅客和水貨客往來上水及深圳購買日用品和走運水貨。古洞不但是地區名稱,亦是一條村。在青山公路旁有古洞村公所。古洞村不是原居民村,大部分村民在1949年前後,從內地逃難而來,因親戚朋友的關係,定居古洞村。這位置一帶又稱石仔嶺。有那裡開廠的人表示稱為石仔嶺是由於挖到地下深處,滿地都是石仔。泥不夠肥沃作耕作。沿河上鄉路一直北行,至河上鄉排峰路交界轉入河上鄉排峰路直上,便可到達河上鄉。村公所旁邊是鄉村式酒樓,成為了村民飲茶及的士司機吃午飯休息的地方。從前由於古洞是墟市,曾有四、五間酒樓。石仔嶺花園 位於新界上水古洞附近位置,前身是英軍軍營,後來被改建成多幢 安老院 舍,由於環境清幽,因此不少郊遊人士都會到來稍息,成為了該處的一個景點 。石仔嶺花園有古洞「老人村」之稱、由前英軍石仔嶺軍營改建的石仔嶺花園,園內有十六間樓高兩層合共廿五棟安老院舍,已有十六年歷史,有近一千二百長者入住,但因政府發展新界東北而面臨「滅村命運」。

後代昌盛 在 子孫昌盛 - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
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