How to Build Mental Resilience
✍️ 從新冠疫情到金融恐慌,面對動盪不安的2020年,全球長期籠罩在緊張氛圍下。華爾街日報專訪暢銷書「Resilience」(《力挺自己的12個練習︰腦科學X正向心理學,改變大腦負向思維,建立逆境挫折都打不倒的內在力量》)作者瑞克韓森(Dr. Rick Hanson),分享復原力的重要性。
🧠 The brain naturally gravitates toward negative thoughts. Here are ways to steel yourself in rocky patches, from deep breathing to caring for others.
-gravitate toward: 被吸引;受引力作用而運動
-rocky patch: 艱難時期,同rough patch
🧐 How do you define resilience and why is it so important?
Resilience is what helps us keep on a relatively even keel when the waves come. And if we get knocked over, it helps us recover. Resilience consists of psychological strengths like grit, compassion, gratitude, emotional intelligence and agility.
-resilience: 韌性;彈性;復原力「從逆境中彈回或克服逆境的能力」
-grit: 勇氣;恆毅力「正向心理特質,追求長期目標的熱情與毅力」
-compassion: 憐憫;同理心
-gratitude: 感恩
-emotional intelligence: 情緒商數
-emotional agility: 情緒靈敏力「有效辨明、接受情緒,轉化為力量的能力」
💪 What can people do to build their own resilience?
First, find your footing. In other words, in any kind of shaky situation, you want to slow down, listen to the experts, find out what’s really going on. Then, make a plan and work your plan. When you are dealing with massive uncertainty on a large scale, at least be certain about your plan for today.
Second, calm and center yourself. Carving out that 10 minutes a day to just sit there with a cup of tea and stare into space. Some people will meditate or pray, do yoga, go for a run or walk the dog. When you’re calming and centering yourself and you slow down and take in the good, you develop traits of calm and centeredness. Being able to calm your body is absolutely fundamental.
-find your footing: 找到立足點,站穩腳跟;另一種說法是finding your feet
-centering: 定心寧神
-carve out: 努力開創出,努力取得。carve是雕刻,可想像成是費勁心力而取得的成果
-stare into space: 發呆,可不是「凝視太空」喔!
Psychological __ is the ability to mentally or emotionally __ with a crisis or to return to pre-crisis status quickly.
A. agility / cop
B. grid / coping
C. resilience / cope
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