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強化美台「夥伴」關係 催出川普友台反中票
20200918【新聞放輕鬆】汪潔民 簡余晏 主持
※今日天氣:紅霞今登陸越南!沿海注意長浪 鋒面接近午後有雨連3天!另外白天晴朗炎熱,彰化南投嘉義及花東局部高溫36度以上,各地高溫33~35度,請注意!週六基北海岸宜蘭大雨;週日東北風南下 北部宜蘭溫度降早晚涼。
08:30 水土保持局南投分局長陳榮俊談「水土保持局防災宣導與創新服務」
●總統今官邸宴美次卿柯拉奇 斷交41年 美國務院來台最高層級官員
●高雄深夜「丙烯酸乙酯」外洩 環局應變小組漏夜監控
●TikTOK併購案 傳川普將在36小時內做決定
●勞保年改喊卡 沒有時程表
●接觸化學顏料 女油畫家體內鉛過多
●美駐聯大使 允助台灣參與聯合國
●台積再投資 考慮高雄設廠
●鴻海擬買大馬廠 進軍晶圓代工
●外資賣超百億元 國家隊穩盤
●柯拉克訪台 中國東海軍演
●Fed表態 2023年前不升息
●糧商炒匯案 四銀行遭金檢
●華碩手機大進擊 Q4出貨放量
●Snowflake掛牌暴漲 雲端鏈接力成焦點
#水土保持局南投分局 #陳榮俊 #防災宣導 #創新服務
#汪潔民 #新聞放輕鬆 #寶島聯播網
北部食品代工 在 宜蘭勁好玩 Facebook 的精選貼文
Time for Taiwan 2015-2016, Episode 20: Toucheng by Train
2015-2016年「台灣好好玩」第二十集: 搭火車到頭城
Transcript 文字稿:
Today we’re going to Wushi Port in Yilan where there’s a fantastic museum, seafood and a beach that surfers love.
I'm Michella. I grew up in the Silicon Valley and was a journalist in Taiwan for ten years. I like to try new things, play with new toys, and visit old places in a new way. I’m going to show you around the Taiwan that I know. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.
To get to Wushi Port, take a train and get off at Toucheng. You can pay for your tickets by tagging on and off with an Easycard or iPass.
This is Toucheng Station. Toucheng literally means “first city.” Between here and Taipei lies that, the Hsuehshan Mountain Range. This was the first city that was developed on this side of those mountains.
This is Wushi Port, the latest reincarnation of it, actually. The older and much smaller one is over there. Come on, I want to show you.
Wushi by the way means “black rock.” Those dark rocks in the middle of the old port over there is how this area got its name. And the funky looking building behind me, that’s the Lanyang Museum.
The outline itself is really interesting. What do you think it looks like? A crashed spaceship? A mountain growing out of the ground? The architect, Kris Yao, wanted it to resemble the natural landscape around here - rocks that that jut diagonally out of the earth and the ocean.
The shape of the building and the big pool of water in front of it makes a really good picture. Looking at the building makes me feel like I’m hearing music. No, I’m not crazy. I love it!
Kris Yao used 12 different materials for the facades. Each material represents one specific musical note. He mapped the score of Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” to the facades of this building. I think it’s quite clever! And I love the space!
The exhibits here are nicely presented too. In the main hall, you’ll learn about flora and fauna found in Yilan.
This is the scaly anteater. It has special meaning to me because my university’s mascot is the anteater! Zot zot.
There are displays on nature, culture, everyday life and lots of other things, like the farming and fishing industries.
This is a real fishing boat! A lot of the exhibits in this museum are interactive and that’s why I love it. Of course everything is really well laid out, too. There’s so much to learn if you slow down, look and think about what you’re looking at. Unfortunately, there’s just not enough time in one day, so I have to come back!
Where can you eat if you’re hungry? There’s a seafood market here.
There’s fresh and processed seafood here. If you want, you can buy it fresh down here and go upstairs to the restaurant area and have it cooked for you. Of course if you would rather not personally give something, that’s still breathing, the death sentence, have the restaurant take care of everything - just go upstairs and order there, or to any of the other restaurants in the area.
This is tuna floss with chunks of tuna in it. It’s good for diabetics or for people who don't like sweet foods. No sugar added in here. Mm. I like!
Japanese people fresh fish raw. The Chinese like to steam it. Tasty steamed fish have to be really, really fresh.
Wushi Port is also a big surfing spot. A lot of surfers in northern Taiwan like to come here. In fact, we bumped into one of our coworkers over there. I love it how there’s so much to do around here - there’s the beach, the museum, seafood, hiking, whale watching from Spring to Fall. Everything’s within walking distance, too. You should come!
Michella's notes 米雪拉的筆記:
We’ve been by Lanyang Museum quite a few times now, and this was the first time we actually got to go inside. It is a wonderful museum! The space is really beautiful (but if you want to enjoy it in peace, go right when they open). I really liked the displays and how they are from floor to ceiling, covering many different levels and aspects of life in Yilan, but they’re really easy to miss if you don’t know what you’re looking at and if no one is there to tell you the stories. There are audio and guided tours in English and Mandarin, I highly recommend them.
The seafood market is kind of fun to walk through. There are two stands that sell fresh seafood, all the other ones sell processed seafood and most allow you to taste before you buy, which is fun and nice. There are several restaurants upstairs that sell and cook fresh seafood, but the one we went to is diagonally across the street from the seafood market building. The name of the place is 章魚哥 Mr Octopus (or brother octopus) and I liked how it seemed cleaner than the restaurants in the market. The food there is quite good!
If the weather’s nice, you can take a walk on the beach. If you’re a surfer, you might really like it there. If you’re here during the right season, you can even go out to Turtle Island or go whale watching. Toucheng is a tiny town, but Wushi Port has a pretty big place in my heart.
You should come!
Links 連結:
Taiwan Railways Administration 台鐵: http://www.railway.gov.tw/en/
Lanyang Museum 蘭陽博物館: http://www.lym.gov.tw/eng/en_service_4.asp
Mr/Brother octopus restaurant 章魚哥生猛海鮮:
03 987 9318
Accessories 配件:
Jacket: kotipesä http://www.kotipesa.com
Watch: Martian摩絢錶 http://www.martianwatches.com.tw
Shoes: Rucoline http://rucoline.com/it/
Backpack: 癮科技 ispack https://shop.cool3c.com/taxonomy/term/2704
Gear 器材:
楔石攝影怪兵器 KEYSTONE Koziro Cinema Mount 手機拍攝: http://www.kphoto.com.tw/front/bin/ptdetail.phtml…
UAV 空拍機: 3DR Solo http://www.3drobotics.com