釜山美食 在 #부산 BUSAN CAFES |🌿🍰 3 Aesthetic + Cute Cafes We Found in Busan! | 釜山打卡必去的3家文青可愛甜點咖啡廳 的影片資訊
On our last day of the Busan trip, we just decided to cafe hop around Seomyeon station, where it is ...
On our last day of the Busan trip, we just decided to cafe hop around Seomyeon station, where it is ...
For Day 3 + 4 of our Busan trip, we stopped by two popular tourist spots, one is the🌈 Jangrim Harbou...
Day 2 Busan! We are here with the Little Prince at Busan's iconic Gamcheon Culture Village~ The vill...
After 3 days in Jeju, our next 5 days will be in BUSAN! On our first day, we went to the popular tou...
[中字]【釜山行】生烤超大鮑魚! 比我頭還大的海鮮拼盤! 相機食先美食推介 - 遙距遊韓 EP.12 | KIMCHIPAT 今次遙距遊韓 EP.12 會延續上集的釜山必去景點,今次是相機食先的釜山...
今次遙距遊韓 EP.11 會去到很多人也喜歡去的釜山來個相機去先的釜山打卡之旅,下次還有相機食先的釜山美食之旅喔! ▼ 青沙浦 / 청사포 地址:釜山廣域市海雲臺區中洞 부산광역시 해운대구 중...
*請開Youtube的字幕功能以收看字幕,所有內容也在字幕裏,謝謝收看* 00:30 精選菜單:海膽拌飯 성게비빔빕 (15,000 won) 餐廳名字:미청식당 01:48 精選菜單:蒸貝殼...
小編只想說 這一鍋釜山海味太狂啦!!! 不愧是席捲全韓國的釜山美食 而且你能想像嗎 這一鍋在以前竟然是下酒菜!!! 快跟著師傅一邊做一邊打開啤酒啦 完整食譜:https://www.wecook12...
❤️記得👉訂閱【波波星球】 https://reurl.cc/yZaAm6 【泡泡來旅遊-韓國篇】 #札嘎其站 #南浦站。就上一站下一站的概念 以下這些景點走路就可以到 而且非常好買好逛,買到不想回...
快訂閱 愛玩客帶你到處玩! 愛玩客YOUTUBE↓ https://goo.gl/AcZ9yD #愛玩客 #詹姆士 #韓國釜山 愛玩客FB↓ https://www.facebook.c...