wish you merry christmas 在 Christmas Beatbox!! by Daichi 的影片資訊
Official Site: http://daichibeat.jp/ Official Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/daichibeatboxer Off...
Official Site: http://daichibeat.jp/ Official Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/daichibeatboxer Off...
Hello 大家好! 我是小關 關詩敏 2012 對我來說是特別的一年。不但順利從第一屆的華人星光大道畢業,也發行了第一張個人專輯「關在家」。謝謝大家一直對我的支持和鼓勵,讓我更有信心跟勇氣一路往...
Hiện giờ mình đã đổi yahoo vì yahoo cũ bị quá giới hạn kết bạn và bị lỗi, nên giờ yahoo mới sẽ là: H...
arrangement:Yeh George, wish you have a merry christmas :) 演奏編曲:葉宇峻, 教學@台中 0980-410902 FB專頁 https://...
Thank you HTC for inviting us to their HTC x backstage X'mas Party! We finally got the video clips f...
Thank you HTC for inviting us to their HTC x backstage X'mas Party! We finally got the video clips f...
Hello my rainbow coloured little sugarballs! This candy lip make up is just for fun ^____^ And you ...
Tour Taiwan with me: http://taiwantoursm13.com/ Private Channel: https://www.patreon.com/M13 My F...
今年もありがとうございました★ 良いお年を & ♡メリークリスマス♡ Thanks to my lovely subscribers & viewers & commenters & cute li...
Deck the Hall / We Wish You a Merry Christmas Solo Guitar Cover in A Major ソロギターによるカバーです。キーはAで通しました...