why worry 在 中秋節快樂!這是Totoro生病後快一年的紀錄影片。Happy Moon Festival ! The video records Totoro's life with renal disease. 的影片資訊
大家中秋節快樂! 之前在Totoro IG有提到過Totoro生病了。 媽媽其實在今年過年的時候就剪了影片想記錄這件事, 沒想到一拖就拖到現在了。 這幾天終於增增減減上字幕做出了這個影片,當作個小紀錄...
大家中秋節快樂! 之前在Totoro IG有提到過Totoro生病了。 媽媽其實在今年過年的時候就剪了影片想記錄這件事, 沒想到一拖就拖到現在了。 這幾天終於增增減減上字幕做出了這個影片,當作個小紀錄...
【無聲的嘆息 The Silent Sigh】I wrote this song about 18 months ago, 4 months after my breakup, never had t...
✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):http://bit.ly/shasha77_member ✔︎ 體驗志祺七七文章版:https://blog.simpleinfo.cc/...
NEW HAIR. WHO THIS? Feeling fresh with the shorter hair. Why did I worry so much? Should've done it ...
✧ Listen to “July” HERE 來聽歌 Youtube MV: https://youtu.be/sEJypi8BIls Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/u8...
詞 Lyrics: G WA WA吉娃娃 、SkrJun 曲 Composer: G WA WA吉娃娃、SkrJun 編曲: Arrangement:Prod. NiNETY8 錄音: G WA WA...
This excerpt is from: The Healing Power Of A Joyful Heart (6 Aug 2017) Get the full message: Joseph ...
Listen to Dena's latest single 快來聽Dena的全新英文創作單曲"July" https://youtu.be/sEJypi8BIls ! OPEN FOR MORE...
UNDISPUTED - Ric Bucher explains why there's nothing to worry about LeBron and Lakers...
Can't go for facial? Not to worry. I recently found a home-care facial device called Hydra Facial De...