twins乘風破浪 在 BY2 翻跳《無價之姐》乘風破浪的姐姐|【Sisters Who Make Waves】theme song 的影片資訊
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Welcome to the OFFICIAL page of BY2 . This is an exclusive channel for all international fans around...
Welcome to the OFFICIAL page of BY2 . This is an exclusive channel for all international fans around...
Welcome to the OFFICIAL page of BY2 . This is an exclusive channel for all international fans around...
愛情,就像一個小型動物世界,你強我弱,你追我趕。相戀著的戀人啊,是像是一場雙人角力,物競天擇強者生存,還是像是一艘雙人小艇,同舟共濟乘風破浪? 鐘欣潼(阿Gill)獻唱《動物系戀人啊》片尾推廣曲《你不...