take reference 在 JENN LEE 22 Spring Summer- Families (4K) 的影片資訊
🖤觀秀注意事項🖤 1. 強烈建議您配戴耳機觀賞,享受旅程 2. 若網路順暢,請將畫質調至2160p,以利最佳看秀畫質 🖤PLEASE NOTICE🖤 1. Strongly suggest! Enj...
🖤觀秀注意事項🖤 1. 強烈建議您配戴耳機觀賞,享受旅程 2. 若網路順暢,請將畫質調至2160p,以利最佳看秀畫質 🖤PLEASE NOTICE🖤 1. Strongly suggest! Enj...
Shel週五外出上課,首播時不能留守live chat,大家enjoy!😄 預祝中秋節快樂,平安健康㊗️ 🎑 中秋佳節和家人朋友一起在家畫可愛的月亮和玉兔吧~ . Fly me to the moo...
Apple Watch 7 前幾天消息是說延期了,但是最近看起來發表會一樣會先發表,但是正式開賣在做日期的調整 =========================== Otterbox 全新運動錶帶 ...
銀河修理員 - 粉彩畫教學 Galactic repairman - Pastel art tutorial . 沿途在 修理著熄了的曙光 祝你在亂流下平安 真愛是任何形狀 對付百孔千瘡 - Dear...
Hey guys! Finally sharing my Chanel consignment/vintage haul i've been accumulating since February. ...
Today I thought I would share a short behind the scene and breakdowns of how I work when producing v...
You must ditch your instant noodles for this super easy Soy Sauce Chicken Noodles. This recipe is su...
Safe and sound 企鵝爸爸和寶寶 - 粉彩畫教學 Penguin daddy and baby - Pastel art tutorial . 上年母親節畫過的親子企鵝粉彩畫作,很多朋友...
願你公義降臨 詩歌翻唱 hymn cover by Shel 繼續試用深色畫紙畫粉彩,今次畫獅子山和江河⛰️🌊請多多指教🙇🏻♀️ . 畫紙: 進業紙行 Iris Antique 粉彩:STAEDTL...
可觀看影片自製形版,或Facebook/Instagram/MeWe私訊Shel購買pdf檔案列印形版~ Draw your own stencils (demonstration in video)...