taiwan local tour 在 THIS IS TAIWAN 『mazu pilgrimage 2021 大甲媽祖遶境活動』(4k) 的影片資訊
Every year, Mazu (the patron goddess of seafarers) sets off on a pilgrimage from her home at Zhenlan...
Every year, Mazu (the patron goddess of seafarers) sets off on a pilgrimage from her home at Zhenlan...
我終於下定決心前往這個令人讚嘆的蘭嶼,這是我在台灣一直以來的心願清單,完全沒有讓我失望!! 我租了摩托車,在這美麗的小島環繞一週,看了美得令人窒息的日出日落,嚐試當地美食,夜間叢林探險,學習當地達悟族...
這次的旅遊vlog要帶你們搭乘台灣觀光巴士,暢遊雲林、嘉義、台南三個縣市的私房景點。沿途會有專業導遊為你介紹最道地的風土民情和奇人軼事,最具代表性的景點和美食,讓你吃喝玩樂一整天! 如果你對這次的行...
Hope you enjoyed watching us eating the most mouth watering food in Taipei, Taiwan! 希望我吃得很爽,你也看得蠻爽!...
我在墨西哥。掃狗屎 ? Sweep POOP in Mexico (eng below) 到達墨西哥後的第一件事,居然不是去陽光海灘度假區?一個不做家事的港女竟然大老遠跑去掃狗 ??還記得第一天工作後...
Found in the middle of nowhere, outside of Kaohsiung lies an old temple surrounded by mystery and kn...
We travelled out of Kaohsiung city to see what secrets could be found in the countryside of Kaohsiun...
This is the crazy ways of travelling in Kaohsiung city! In this episode of our Kaohsiung Adventure ...
This is what I recommend doing when travelling Kaohsiung! In this episode of our Kaohsiung Adventur...
I never knew this existed!? In the second episode of our Kaohsiung Adventure Vlog series we starte...