successful in 在 Green Entrepreneur: Isabel Aagaard (LastObject) 的影片資訊
We don’t all have to be sustainability consultants in order to save the environment. You can keep do...
We don’t all have to be sustainability consultants in order to save the environment. You can keep do...
#訪談特輯 #紐約求職 時尚職涯|紐約時尚業求職你不能不知道的事|白玉 Bai Yu Feat. 音頻節目:人生出走 訪談主題&內容: Q1: 如何在美國找到實習&工作機會? Q2: 外國學生在美實...
#職業探勘 #受邀訪談 時尚職涯|視覺陳列師|我在紐約時尚品牌的工作經驗分享|白玉 ft. Fashion Stuff 主題討論: 01:08-02:30 如何數據化評估櫥窗陳列績效 02:32-0...
Marcus Spears claims that Dak & Cowboys will be one of the most successful teams in the NFL this sea...
Peter Schrager thinks that Tua will be more successful than Justin Herbert in the 2021 season...
here's an insight into what a line producer does which i'll summarise it to make it easier for peopl...
#人生出走 #紐約留學 時尚職涯|勇敢出走美國夢|我的紐約留學心酸血淚史 |白玉 BAI YU INISIGHT feat. 人生出走 訪談內容: 1. 是什麼原因願意拋下在台灣時裝界打拼八年的人脈...
15 year old Muay Thai prodigy Sailohit hits pads with his father, the legendary Fahsuchon Sit-O, as ...
突然睡覺前 youtube popup 近兩年前在波士頓錄過的片。社運初期,還未有肺炎,現在回望內容絕對正確,令我特別深深感動! 和你重溫對我影響極大的《巴菲特的五個名言》: 正面思維,有危有機《巴...
Scott Van Pelt believes the Titans will be very successful after having Julio Jones in the squad...