soft law 在 The 5 Most Illegal Things I Did in China 的影片資訊
I broke the the law in China many times, what were the top 5 illegal things I did in China? Come fin...
I broke the the law in China many times, what were the top 5 illegal things I did in China? Come fin...
It's the rest of the world's fault, we need to work with China..... NOT! The Chinese government has ...
#大麻煩不煩 #SoftLipa #家常音樂 大來賓:蛋堡 aka Soft LiPAPA 軟嘴唇 aka 兩個孩子的爹(專業製作人 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ),來跟我們家常閒聊啦! 聽見不一樣的...
This is a warning to the rest of the world, the CCP will always break their promises... For a deepe...
And not just me, anyone worldwide who says anything that the Communist party doesn't like... For a ...
I have had to censor many clips in order to meet YouTube's violence guidelines but either way this i...
China stifles and controls what people say within the borders of Mainland China but how do they sile...
更正一下!實際遊玩後,畫面解析度 不是1080p 電視模式: 動態504p ~ 720p, 掌機模式: 動態378p ~ 540p ! 不好意思,發售前的資訊蒐集有誤QQ 感謝提醒! ...
口頭禪是「心意一下」,自己剪片發覺說了很多次了~~ 然後突然驚覺中間有黑掉一下,明明剪片時沒有,不怕不怕,我不是完美主義者。 產品提及: Laura Mercier Foundation Prime...
Choreography: Valerie Lui Song: Love So Soft Artist: Kelly Clarkson -------------------------------...