shield 在 [精華]決勝時刻現代戰爭2 DuckHugh 2010 in MW2 飛刀 的影片資訊
這些片段都是我用飛刀、狙擊的畫面,是2010一月二月這兩個月的精華!! 歡迎加我Steam一起對戰或者Co-op~ Steam:DuckHugh 影片音樂:Richard Vission & S...
這些片段都是我用飛刀、狙擊的畫面,是2010一月二月這兩個月的精華!! 歡迎加我Steam一起對戰或者Co-op~ Steam:DuckHugh 影片音樂:Richard Vission & S...
took me a gazillion try until i got fed up and went to farm for souls to get enchant weapon. boy th...
this is my 3rd attempt against this boss again i came back with new armor and shield ;)...
i came back with new armor and shield ;) "lol those who knows about D.Gray-man will know why I ca...
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工欲善其事,必先利其器... 粧欲美其脸,必先有利器......
This stopwatch was made in Seiko (Seikosha). This wach has not any electric device and microprocesso...
けろりん嫁のバイクで ケロリンさん、登場、 Bride's motorcycle Mr. Kerorin and appearance HONDA Cab (Cub) is a car...