safety equipment 在 台灣尋瀑之旅~走,游,爬,跳,攀 五項基本功 找尋瀑布過程很 趣,是很棒的全身運動 <來去機車環島系列> 的影片資訊
我們用衛星圖找到新的瀑布 影片裏的地方: 都威溪,位於台東重安 生態相當豐富,可見山羌、山羊、大冠鷲、青蛙、螃蟹、溪蝦等等 至都威瀑布約1.6公里,海拔提升400公尺,單程約3小時 地圖,多訊息:h...
我們用衛星圖找到新的瀑布 影片裏的地方: 都威溪,位於台東重安 生態相當豐富,可見山羌、山羊、大冠鷲、青蛙、螃蟹、溪蝦等等 至都威瀑布約1.6公里,海拔提升400公尺,單程約3小時 地圖,多訊息:h...
Upper body and Arms Workout with dumbbells. You can do this workout with weights or if you don't hav...
Brand new 10 mins abs workout that you can do with or without equipment. ✚ What weights should I u...
Brand new 2021 Get Fit Program with 5 new episodes. This is a full body workout that you can do with...
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Brand new 20 mins full body workout! There's low impacts and no jumping alternatives so don't worry,...
Brand new 10 mins arms and abs workout! This video is part of the 4 weeks Summer Shred Challenge. Pl...
Booty booty booty! 10 mins booty burn to work those glutes! It's the 2021 Summer Shred Challenge guy...
Brand new 2021 Hourglass Challenge! Eventhough this is a booty/abs program, I've included an upper b...
Brand new 2021 Hourglass Challenge! This 10 min workout works the side of your booty, and you can do...