round shoulder 在 【背肌健身教學 - 坐姿划船 Seated Row 】eDenki專訪High Fitness 私人健身教練 Francis Lam 的影片資訊
有不少人練習背肌時錯誤使用了手臂發力( 即是所謂的借力 ) , 練後都只感到手臂位置最累, 以致背肌參與度不足 。但鍛鍊背肌又對很多人來說是相當重要, 因為可以有助改善圓肩round shoulder...
有不少人練習背肌時錯誤使用了手臂發力( 即是所謂的借力 ) , 練後都只感到手臂位置最累, 以致背肌參與度不足 。但鍛鍊背肌又對很多人來說是相當重要, 因為可以有助改善圓肩round shoulder...
Sorry(´;ω;`) I had to re-upload this video because of music issuesT_T Sewing + Refashion Upcycle Ol...
Please READ this box more info. I've been sharing a lot of workouts with all of you and you might be...
Tiger Muay Thai Fighter Jonny Betts wins his fight comeback after taking a full year off of training...
The Atlantic Division is heading down to the wire. It's also heading down to the bottom. Allen Iv...
Jonny Betts, fighting for returns to the ring after rehabbing a shoulde...