nylon 6 6 在 Steven Law - Cavatina (Live @深圳音樂廳 ) 的影片資訊
20140614 Cavatina (Live @深圳音樂廳 ) My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.com/StevenLawCheung http://stev...
20140614 Cavatina (Live @深圳音樂廳 ) My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.com/StevenLawCheung http://stev...
My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.com/StevenLawCheung http://stevenlaw.wordpress.com...
Arranged and played by Steven Law tab: http://wp.me/p15ObL-uX My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.com...
arranged and played by Steven Law Tab : http://wp.me/p15ObL-uH My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.co...
Arranged and Played by Steven Law Tab : http://wp.me/p15ObL-uQ My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.co...
Super useful song :) My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.com/StevenLawCheung http://stevenlaw.wordpr...
Arranged and Played by Steven Law My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.com/StevenLawCheung tab: http:/...
想在白色情人節挑戰自己的結他技巧? 試試彈這個吧:) tab: http://stevenlawguitar.com/2014/01/08/cinema-paradiso/ My Fans Page:...
Credit to 作曲:文恩澄 Rannes Man 這次由編譜到錄片不足6小時,所以彈錯彈漏就請別介意了:P新年前為各位貢獻多一次:) 送上單戀雙城的主題曲《很想討厭你》,好了,我收爐一天,年初...
這首是太約6年前由周杰倫創作,前幾天腦海中突然浮起這首歌的旋律,所以隨手彈了出來,而且很適合近來的我一個人自己彈。 My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.com/Ste...