nottoday 在 BTS - Not Today & Dope (Breakdance ver) 防弾少年団 × ブレイクダンス 的影片資訊
recorded in Japan on July 5th, 2017 thanks for watching!! the blondie is me, & the other guy is my...
recorded in Japan on July 5th, 2017 thanks for watching!! the blondie is me, & the other guy is my...
● DAZZLING from Taiwan ● 演出人員:YiJin Ting YiWei Shiaw Brenda Rita Lu's Hua ShaHu BiXiu JiYi ● 攝影:...
BTS ‘Not Today’ Dance Cover from #hongkong All the underdogs in the world A day may come when we los...
103北商財金科理事班 送舊特別表演(開場舞)-BTS- NOT TODAY 因為燈光跟拍攝角度問題有重新剪接過 有些地方剪的不大好 還請大家多多包涵~ 喜歡記得按讚訂閱喔^^ / COVERED(...
Hey guys it's san here ? this is one of the videos from my flashmob from the BTS WINGS TOUR IN HONG ...
BTS/Nottoday 踊ってみた(dancecover) twitter: insta:http//instagr...
凱皓Instagram : 凱皓FaceBook :
與大家約定好的Cover終於來了 還帶上了兩個帥哥 組成這個黃金組合 你最愛的 我們這麼用心 還把自己染成紫色 快點幫我分享出去 說你覺得很帥❤️ #bts #nottoday #dancecover...