medicube red 在 February Favourites 2018 | Winter Chee 的影片資訊
It's crazy how time literally flew by! Here are just a couple of things that got me through this hec...
It's crazy how time literally flew by! Here are just a couple of things that got me through this hec...
(影片 7:15 完妝超帥!哈哈!點開這有愛用推薦的20幾款防曬+遮瑕)黑色星期五~有去Castco嗎?哈哈哈~超級塞車啊!那來看片好了❤️ 中性:超越性別的美!近期扮男裝最帥的應該是賴雅妍吧(誰也...
今天的影片比~Ride Or Die Makeup Tag 此生不能沒有你 的單元~還要難!尤其是明明有一堆彩妝保養品,但當你要旅行時,只能帶一點點東西,哪些是我必須帶、可以快速保養上妝的首選呢?(要...
Don't forget to click the subscribe button! Check out the Korean lessons previously just email me a...
影片中的推薦商品 W lab 葫蘆海綿 MISSHA眼影 MCR06 banila co. Finish powde...