makeup artist for shoots 在 Our Wedding Video 婚禮精華片段| This Is Amazing Grace | A Thousand Years | 西式婚禮 | 澳大利亞 的影片資訊
Our BIG (Massive) DAY with Tea Ceremony in the morning, Bridal Party activities following this, Wedd...
Our BIG (Massive) DAY with Tea Ceremony in the morning, Bridal Party activities following this, Wedd...
5分鐘偽素顏妝 Products used : - COOLA Dawn Petrol Primer SPF30有機防曬隔離底霜 - Make Up For Ever 超高清無瑕修飾霜SPF25 P...
For FACE MAKE UP FOR EVER Skin EQUALIZER - Redness Correcting Primer - Mattifying Priner - Li...