hong kong blog 在 DIY Frangrant Diffuser★自製香香精油瓶★ 的影片資訊
Michelle Shaprow's voice is so cute , and I can't get her song " Floating on the moon"out of my head...
Michelle Shaprow's voice is so cute , and I can't get her song " Floating on the moon"out of my head...
自學結他大概一個月,覺得很好玩! 送一首Carnival的自彈自唱給大家,不過這是"I've already known version" 改歌詞了,去聽聽原來的版本就知道為什麼我把它改成這樣了! E...
我要去台灣工作了!先跟各位台灣的朋友打招呼!我也開了無名呢,快去看看吧! http://www.wretch.cc/blog/gemtang...
I've had so many people asking me to find a way to spice up the traditional eyeliner. Well here it i...
Chinese New Year, Vietnamese New Year, Lunar New Year, however you celebrate it, It's Year of the Ti...
Like this track? Buy here: https://itunes.apple.com/hk/album/a.i.n.y.-ai-ni/id538446710?i=538446723&...
io 樂團新單曲 "瑕疵 視覺概念影片。 瑕疵是有關於 父母與子女之間的期待與落差。 是 io 繼 "Real-真實" 之後又一首以犀利歌詞和大氣的搖滾元素 唱出年青人的共鳴的震撼之作!! ...
io 樂團單曲 "真實" 概念影片。 簡單的說 真實 這首歌在講的是, "小時候的夢想長大是垃圾。" 小時侯的夢想、學生時的理想、長大後都被現實的壓力與環境逼的不得不改變。 當我們都在追求社會...
作曲 Music by Mary-L, Yann Cortella 作詞 Lyrics by G.E.M., Tan Chang, Aaron Wong 編曲及監製 Arranged & Produc...
到底G.E.M. stand for乜野呢? 將你既答案留係我xanga或者yahoo blog..又或者係youtube comment box講低啦=] 獎品: [等一個他]派台碟一份(5個名額...