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新聞原文 (SCMP): The Hong Kong government proposed to amend the Fugitive Offenders...
新聞原文 (SCMP): The Hong Kong government proposed to amend the Fugitive Offenders...
訂閱 newsletters,取得 vocab worksheet ► 取材原片: (1) William Chan
取材片段:BBC Politics - “I will shortly leave the job...
We have always upheld our political neutrality over the past many, many years ever since the Secreta...
文章《怎樣給孩子製造學英文的環境》 ► 片中例句:The director of the museum is an expert at curating...
訂閱電子報,下載 vocab worksheet: 1) You know what, be right back. I got a diarrhea/di...
Follow 我 IG: ▍成人英語再起步 ? 5、6月份成人英語再起步課程已滿額。感謝大家支持! 現時只設常規課程,內容聽講讀寫運用,詳細內容,建議...
訂閱電子報,下載 vocab worksheet: 取材片段: ▍成人英語再起步 ? 5、6月份...
Cambly: Tip 1: 主動提出話題 Tip 2: 回應對方問題後,反問對方、問 follow-up 問題 Tip 3: 讓對方評價你的英語(...
取材原片: Can you tell us about this trip coming up? Yeah, I’m actually r...