family trip 在 "多得您" 譚嘉儀MV (自創曲) 的影片資訊
"多得您" 這首歌是送比神,我的家人,朋友和FANS 們。我寫這首歌的時候,想起過去比賽的日子,好想多謝佢地咁多位一直的支持。 後來和家姐去了法國和奧地利旅行,便順便拍了個MV。 希望大家欣賞隻歌之餘...
"多得您" 這首歌是送比神,我的家人,朋友和FANS 們。我寫這首歌的時候,想起過去比賽的日子,好想多謝佢地咁多位一直的支持。 後來和家姐去了法國和奧地利旅行,便順便拍了個MV。 希望大家欣賞隻歌之餘...
かなり高齢のおばあを連れて、那覇に行ってきました。 いくつになったんだかよくわかりません。 90歳後半です。 戦争遺族なんでね、慰霊ということで行っているんです。 ほとんど毎年のように連れて行...
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This summer, I went to Oku-Chichibu, Saitama-pref to camp with my family. There are many insects, bi...
A comedy short film that tells a story of a fishermen who founds and helps 2 castaways.A comedy shor...
Hey guys, Long time no vlog!! I'm back and running.. well the channel is anyway! So I went back to ...
My trip to JP 1 month. This one of my favourite place to eating fresh grape fruit ^^ Enjoy!...
We took a trip from Saga to Okinawa, and spent 5 days swimming, hiking, snorkeling, meeting friends,...
Hellllllo everybody! whats the craic like? XD I am back in Northern Ireland for 10 days and I pro...
David Lee played with a heavy heart. He was still right there when the New York Knicks needed him at...