csr taiwan 在 Green Entrepreneur: Isabel Aagaard (LastObject) 的影片資訊
We don’t all have to be sustainability consultants in order to save the environment. You can keep do...
We don’t all have to be sustainability consultants in order to save the environment. You can keep do...
2020年的疫情讓科技業大爆發,台積電成為全球矚目的「護國神山」; 但廣達集團創辦人林百里說,台灣要繼續打造下一座護國神山, 那就是 #智慧醫療。 什麼是智慧醫療?台灣現在為何非做不可? 一般民眾到...
天下ESG TALK 第四集:2021投資永續!ESG永續,TAIWAN Can Help 12/08(二)中午 12:15,天下ESG TALK 最後一集隆重上映,讓我們回顧2020,展望2021...
What is it like working for giant corporations? What is it like holding corporate executives respons...