chatuchak 在 洽圖洽現況/ 9月終於營業,商場經營不下去,紛紛倒店?! 的影片資訊
9月的第一個週末, 洽圖洽終於開門了, 我們看一下最新的近況 大家有空可以來聊聊/順便試試新app...
9月的第一個週末, 洽圖洽終於開門了, 我們看一下最新的近況 大家有空可以來聊聊/順便試試新app...
#移居泰國 #曼谷現況 #SRT洽圖洽 這次搭到SRT線(曼谷紅線)的洽圖洽站, 竟然被我發現車站內設計上的瑕疵 大家到泰國旅遊千萬要小心; 另外跟大家分享, 到了洽圖洽後我才發現原來洽圖洽已經關市一...
Currently, Chactuchak Weekend Market has very few customers. Before the April holidays, the market w...
หลังจากที่มีมาตรการผ่อนปรนแล้ว เราเลยพาท่านผู้ชมมาดูตลาดนัดจตุจักรในวันหยุดที่เงียบเหงาเช่นนี้ เราได...
MIXT PET Zone has a variety of animals for sale. Cats, dogs, birds, and reptiles are available. Cat ...
Chatuchak Weekend Market , evening time! Shopping Zone Go sightseeing to Chatuchak Weekend Market . ...
Bangsue Junction Plaza is a shopping mall located in the Chatuchak district. This mall sells fashion...
There are many shopping zones in the Chatuchak market area. There is a unique market near the subway...
Chtuchak market is the largest outdoor market in Bangkok. Since May 1, the regulations have been tig...
This is a shot of the Chactuchak weekend market in April 2021. The hottest time of the year in Thail...