黑相集系列 在 【E3 21】《黑相集:灰冥界》於 10 月 22 日發售!這次要在古墓中面對恐怖的遠古生物傾巢而出 的影片資訊
《黑相集:灰冥界》是由 Supermassive Games 開發的電影式冒險遊戲《黑相集》系列第三部作品。故事設定在 2003 年的伊拉克戰場,在與當地部隊交戰之際,一場突如其來的地震讓兩軍跌入埋藏...
《黑相集:灰冥界》是由 Supermassive Games 開發的電影式冒險遊戲《黑相集》系列第三部作品。故事設定在 2003 年的伊拉克戰場,在與當地部隊交戰之際,一場突如其來的地震讓兩軍跌入埋藏...
Little Hope is presented as an unfinished story in the possession of the omnipresent Curator, who re...
又同大家玩黑相集系列遊戲,上次遊完船河,今次Eli 同阿俊帶團參觀荒廢小鎮。一齊入嚟壯下膽挑戰呢隻恐怖game啦~ 《The Dark Pictures: Little Hope 黑相集:稀望鎮》影...
Little Hope is presented as an unfinished story in the possession of the omnipresent Curator, who re...
Little Hope is presented as an unfinished story in the possession of the omnipresent Curator, who re...
Little Hope is presented as an unfinished story in the possession of the omnipresent Curator, who re...
又同大家玩黑相集系列遊戲,上次遊完船河,今次Eli 同阿俊帶團參觀荒廢小鎮。一齊入嚟壯下膽挑戰呢隻恐怖game啦~ 《The Dark Pictures: Little Hope 黑相集:稀望鎮》影...
又同大家玩黑相集系列遊戲,上次遊完船河,今次Eli 同阿俊帶團參觀荒廢小鎮。一齊入嚟壯下膽挑戰呢隻恐怖game啦~ 《The Dark Pictures: Little Hope 黑相集:稀望鎮》影...
Little Hope is presented as an unfinished story in the possession of the omnipresent Curator, who re...
巴哈姆特電玩瘋直播 PS4 版遊戲《黑相集:稀望鎮》,由編輯小妃與特約一鐵主持。《黑相集:稀望鎮》是由《直到黎明》研發團隊 Supermassive Games 開發的獨立電影式恐怖冒險遊戲《黑相集》...