阿年靚湯 在 s&j《FAMiLY》CONFiNEMENT ain't EASY: the guide to a successful Postpartum recovery! 的影片資訊
Many of you have asked me to share my confinement experiences with you. It’s a really hard topic to ...
Many of you have asked me to share my confinement experiences with you. It’s a really hard topic to ...
大家一直都叫我分享下坐月嘅體驗。 經過兩胎之後我覺得都係時候啦。坐月實在太太太多嘢可以講所以我真係唔知講邊樣先。 呢個VLOG基本上係將 ‘坐月’ 分為三個主要部分,從我嘅體驗出發。其實每個人嘅坐月經...
坐月期間,好多人都會問我會煲D咩來補身。 湯水真係好重要,但係唔同體質補嘅方法就有唔同。 之前分享過點整滴雞精嘅方法,今次呢個肉汁補而不操,一家大細都啱飲! 最重要係,真係簡單到冇朋友! 00:00...
Jason:呢排 Sarah要休息多d 所以我地拍既野都係d輕鬆容易拍既野 Sarah:緊張大師好緊張呀? Jason:太緊張啦??? Sarah:喺我地準備迎接 #BossBaby 我地做咗好多功課...
大肚婆湯都唔煲?! 未必... 交比 jason煲可能會出事架??? 呢排超熱呀, 大家要飲多d 水呀 not sponsored ___________________________ ___...
a little preview of what's coming on the weekend, jason teaches sarah? really?! soup for the weeke...
rahs soup of the day 阿年靚湯❤️ sorry it took so long, cooking vids aren't easy to do ???... make up v...
buying, cleaning pigs lungs to make sunday soup... apparently, it's very good for the summer... kitc...
the time lapse makes it look rather hectic... but it was all very orderly, and tidy heehee most of a...