紅黃牌駕照 在 忍300壞天氣摔車 Ninja 300 Bad Weather Crash 的影片資訊
平地還是好天氣,一上山全變了樣。正講到氣候差視線不好,小忍者車友馬上悲劇..摔車了。好險人車都無大礙。Weather turned awry on the way back. As much as I...
平地還是好天氣,一上山全變了樣。正講到氣候差視線不好,小忍者車友馬上悲劇..摔車了。好險人車都無大礙。Weather turned awry on the way back. As much as I...
檔車教學,退檔補油示範!降檔,補油提高引擎轉速,同時放開離合器完成換檔。適用初學者 Learn to rev match following simple steps. For beginners! ...
有外國朋友問250夠高速公路通勤嗎?(有字幕)How does 250c.c. ride on the highway? Can you ride WR250R /X on highway and f...
檔車教學,道路示範如何騎車時換檔位!適用已經會起步的初學者 Learn to shift following simple steps. For beginners! 上至1800c.c.的重機到50...
基礎檔車教學,簡單教大家怎麼起步和騎乘檔車!適用初學者 Learn to ride following simple steps. For beginners! 上至1800c.c.的重機到50c.c...