愛妳也愛她 在 金曲31特輯 EP4『最佳國語男歌手獎』入圍者得獎預測分析 The 31st GMA:Best Male Vocalist (feat. Sudio Elva)【吉米哥聊音樂吧】 的影片資訊
=================================== 支持優質影像創作者,小額贊助抖內吉米哥 https://pse.is/jimibro_donate ==============...
=================================== 支持優質影像創作者,小額贊助抖內吉米哥 https://pse.is/jimibro_donate ==============...
This is my very first unplugged live after I became a singer. COOL! 通常像我這種偶像派歌手是不可能唱Unplugged的, 因爲U...
累炸!這趟旅程真的充實! 孫生粉絲團►►https://goo.gl/sVZ2uF 【工作拍攝聯絡信箱/[email protected]】 訂閱WACKYBOYS頻道影片►► http:/...
XDXD Behind the scene are always funnier than the story, y ar? 新歌聽了沒?! 四個女生, 四種滋味, 拍攝這支MV快要精盡人亡了, 我是...
❖訂閱頻道收聽更多好聽的歌:https://www.youtube.com/c/EHPMusicChannelII ❖Facebook臉書專頁:https://www.facebook.com/EHP...
最新MV到! 道德魔人請小心服用,不然咕咕歪掉恕不負責。孔子說過 “小朋友才做選擇,林北全都要!”The confusion of marriage with morality has done mo...
This is my latest single, check dictionary if you don’t understand what is [Polyamory]. Stay tuned f...