尊勝佛母咒 在 鬼月是孝親月?報父母恩咒有何功德? Ghosts Month is Month of Filial Piety? What are the merits in reciting the Mantra? 的影片資訊
孝親月 Why the 7th Lunar Month is a great time to repay the debt of gratitude to our parents, be it wh...
孝親月 Why the 7th Lunar Month is a great time to repay the debt of gratitude to our parents, be it wh...
【轉經輪開光儀式-直播】 今日5月27日舉行期待已久的五佛敷金暨轉經輪開光大典,並由尊貴的堪布 曲尼敦多仁波切🙏 帶領與會大眾修法殊勝莊嚴儀軌。 此刻正進行轉經輪開光儀式🙏 感謝參贊與會大眾,護持轉經...