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在聖誕節前夕,終於完成了那羅部落的那幅畫。其實我曾經在四年前,為了好朋友Yagu Basan畫過一次,但今年年初已經掉漆了,於是她許了一個願,希望我上山再畫一次。這次的主題想很久,也因為今年發生了許多事情,心裡的畫變得越來越複雜,壓力也越來越大。八月時去了一趟那羅跟芽悟聊了一個晚上,我把所有的想法講給她聽,似乎都不太對。認真聽她講故事之後,終於在凌晨不知道幾點的時候,突然想到一個很簡單的主題「飛越情人山」當下掉了眼淚就知道主題是對的。芽悟家對面那座山就是情人山,如果頭歪一邊就看起來很像聖母瑪麗亞。這幅畫是個很簡單的祈福,給芽悟及所有的朋友,希望大家都能飛起來,越飛越高。大家普遍認為坐輪椅的視線是有所侷限,但畫裡的芽悟其實是帶著大家,從另外個角度去看世界不一樣的美麗。謝謝交大山服社的幫忙,也祝大家聖誕節快樂~ <3 A couple days ago, just before Christmas, I finally put the finishing touches on a mural in the Atayal Tribe village of Naluo, in Hsinchu. I had painted the 20 meter long wall once about four years ago, but by the beginning of this year the paint had begun to chip away. My friend Yagu (whom the wall belongs to) asked me if I would do it again, and so like every other time she's asked me to do something, I agreed. But after a bit of a rocky year for her and for all of us, there were so many things I wanted to express through the painting, that the more I thought about it, the more it began to stress me out. I'm not really a painter, either, so the thought of faking it a second time in such a grand way, was also making me second guess everything. Eventually, after hemming and hawing for months, I went and visited her in August. We talked for hours, sitting by her front door gazing at the mountains across the valley, but none of my ideas seemed quite right. Eventually in the early hours of the morning, a very simple concept came to mind: it involved giving her a pair of wings so that she could fly over the mountains that she gazes at every day, and in particular over the one that looks a bit like the Virgin Mary. (Not a bad gift for a devout Catholic who rarely gets the opportunity to go to mass at the church just steps down the mountain from her home.) That idea eventually transformed into a crowd of people flying over the mountains in wheelchairs, the thought of which moved me to tears. I knew that I'd stumbled upon the right idea, so I returned to Taipei and within a week I had sketched out my idea. Most people think that a wheelchair can limit your perspective, but in my painting, as in real life, Yagu is leading us along the path to seeing a more beautiful world. This isn't just a wish for Yagu and all of our differently abled friends, it's a celebration of her spirit and the joy and generosity which she inspires in all of us. In this painting, all of us are up their in the sky, seeing the world, led by this amazing woman, and assisted by these wonderful wheelchairs with wings. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

在聖誕節前夕,終於完成了那羅部落的那幅畫。其實我曾經在四年前,為了好朋友Yagu Basan畫過一次...